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Started by CptMunta, March 16, 2007, 01:30:54 PM

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Anyone of you guys play online?

I'm getting into kalliera with Kawaks and there only seems to be Aussie Servers hosting games. Are there any kiwi servers up for better Ping.

Oh and BTW my Nick is: Sir NoobsalotScrubtousand

Hit me up for a game.

I'm usually on the INet Server if Dersiree's and Yian's servers are down.

And Xbox live. Is it worth getting for 3rd Strike and Capcom Vs SNK2? Or is old school Xbox live dead in this hemisphere?

Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


I've only just got internet at home, and haven't investigated Kalliera yet, guess I really should sometime soon though... no idea how shitty my pings will be though.

I wonder how I could go about getting a server set up for NZ...

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


I'm also thinking about getting an Xbox for Third Strike and #R, and possibly CVS2. Though from the sounds of things the "EO" version of CVS2 that Xbox has is not too great.

I have Kawaks and kaillera ( as well as a pretty much complete set of 2D fighters for it, weeee), I don't play much though. I got put off by the crazy lag I had playing a few rounds of SFA3 with Fate one night. Probably would be better if there were any NZ servers, I guess.


Getting Old xbox live is a bit of a mission now which is a shame.

Kaillieras lagg isn't too bad if you play someone with around the same ping. Games run more smoother on "good" but the deal sucks. Always try "Excellent" setting and make sure you've saved your mapped controls before you get started.

Here are some IPS for people that might be interested:


My ping here varies between 58 to 78 which is pretty good. Had some pretty smooth games here.


This is Inett Kailliera server. The ping here is sometimes ok. My ping varies between 90 to 120 here. This can really suck if you play someone clocking in at about 23 or so, since you'll just be owned by the lagg. But if you play someone with ping closer to 100 you can have some good games.

Trying to get into Vampire Savior games going so hit me up if you see me online.

Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


So you use the recommended 0.67 mame with kaillera? I seem to remember some people saying 0.64 is the standard, but can't remember.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness



Mame 0.64K is the standard and runs the smoothest. Not many people use it Down Under I'm afraid. People mostly use Kawaks (Street FIghter, Xmen/Marvel vs Street FIghter/capcom, SNK fighters, Metal Slug etc)
Or Project 64k for Super Smash Bros.

MAME is used heavly in the states though. But that's no use to us down here. :( SO alot of the Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat fans would have trouble finding and setting up games which is a shame.
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


Gah, I don't like Kawaks because it won't map my POV hat, unlike MAME or newer FinalBurn Alphas.

You make it sound like there are quite a few people playing? Is that actually true? I'm kind of surprised!

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


as far as this goes, I only reccomend one thing. ZSNES, and zbattle. Codd and I played a few hours of SSF2, it was flawless. Like we were at the arcade. Unfortunatly, your limited too SNES games, and a keyboard, if your without a PS2 > USB converter.


Well, SNES always has the ol' SF2 Turbo port... I'm not terribly fond of Super. Luckily I still have a Microsoft Sidewinder or two kicking around, hacked to accept my sticks... in fact those emus are possibly good enough to support POV hats anyway, so my xbox and ps2->xbox converters might work...

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


I'm down for the odd game of 3S over Xbox Live, but I play it on a 360 nowadays, and I've had pretty janky experiences in other games playing with other people using the original Xbox...
Mashing all the wrong buttons since 1981


go 2 this site if u use kailera you can p2p online and hav 0 lag
i play auzzys all the time and its mint jsut like a lan its perfect
and download this
ther both only small
hamachi makes all the ip shit easier and i hav a lil network u an connect 2 and other sf online players and save our p2p servers 4 a quickie  :D

hope this helps

cheers :D
p.s touch me im sick :-X
"The mark of my dignity shall scar thy D.N.A"