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Tekken 6 players list

Started by fluxcore, November 27, 2009, 10:34:34 AM

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Usual story, post your name, char & general skill level to the thread to indicate you're one of the few XBL tekken players!

  • NZism fluxcore (Julia, kinda noob)
  • Wiliiam101 (Steve, intermediate)
  • Barnstorm NZ (Eddy)
  • GinoL (Kaz, not bad)
  • KicksAint1 (???)

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness



Xbox broken atm. Should be getting a new around Christmas time.


GT = Wiliiam101

Does joining peoples lobbys actually work after this patch?

EDIT: Main Char - Steve ,Skill Level - Intermediate (noob at times :D)


Oh I should get you guys to post main char/skill level as well to help with matchmaking :)
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


add me i cant seem to get any games online lately

Barnstorm NZ
play mostly Eddy
bit of bryan marduck julia and mishimas



Quote from: fluxcore on November 27, 2009, 10:34:34 AM
Usual story, post your name, char & general skill level to the thread to indicate you're one of the few XBL tekken players!

  • NZism fluxcore (Julia, kinda noob)
  • Wiliiam101 (Steve, intermediate)
  • Barnstorm NZ (Eddy super awesome pro)
  • GinoL (Kaz, not bad)
there fixed



KicksAint1 -add me

Normally I'm alright on stick but I'm fucking horrendous on xbox pad


add me!! farken hard to find decent matches
Steve (advanced intermediate)
Quote from: Neal on April 01, 2010, 12:16:48 PM
KicksAint1 -add me

Normally I'm alright on stick but I'm fucking horrendous on xbox pad

xbox 360 control + fighting games = EPIC FAIL!. fight stick all the way