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Evo Apac, hit confirmed.

Started by Skullator, March 08, 2010, 01:52:38 AM

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Well, I figure I should post that I am definitely going to make the effort to represent NZism in SSFIV at Evo APAC in Sydney early June
(They are unsure which weekend it will fall on just yet, but two day event saturday+sunday)

This is a little over 3 months away.. so I will confirm my presence now and maybe other people can consider if they want a holiday to aus and join me in having a blast playing some SSFIV too!
I will only be in Sydney for the weekend.. then spend maybe 5 days in Melbourne (Family over there.. and I like it better than Sydney)
Winner of the event gets confirmed spot representing Asia Pacific at Evolution 2010 Las Vegas (LOL HUMANBOMB GO YOU GOOD THING!)

It will be a fun trip.. but obviously is not the cheapest thing in the world to do.. especially if you require accomodation.. I would strongly suggest befriending an OH lad and crashing at his pad lol.. that's what I'm planning on if possible while in Syndey haha.. or else I might get lost!

I think it would be a really fun thing to do, so please consider it if at all possible, and if not.. wish me luck! LOL (Really just wanting to meet people and have amazing casuals.. and amazing casual sex)


With teh sex thing,
Just make sure its not a lad alright...

I am condiering to go also but too sucky atm.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


For the official and unofficial members of Team AV that weekend is heb's birthday! Believe it!
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Quote from: zosla on March 08, 2010, 08:22:41 AM
With teh sex thing,
Just make sure its not a lad alright...

I am condiering to go also but too sucky atm.

No promises! Haha.

Man it would be such a blast! I'm not sure about you but if I went I would be in the headspace of:
" I wonder what the best I can do at something like this"
"God I hope I win this thing!" haha. You know you would lvl up hard just by playing them all lag free for an entire wknd ;]

[8-----D] Toots

Quote from: OLEET on March 08, 2010, 08:44:29 AM
For the official and unofficial members of Team AV that weekend is heb's birthday! Believe it!



As much as I'd love to go to this, I will instead be looking to go to Ozhadou later in the year.  I hope they are having TVC at ozhadou.  Would be rad.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


They will surely have TvC since it is at EVO and OHN usually follow suit.  Would be awesome to represent NZ on that one ;)
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Im tossing it up. Will definitely be going to OHN later in the year. Evo APAC im still in 2 minds about.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: ILL_BILL on March 08, 2010, 04:56:41 PM
Im tossing it up. Will definitely be going to OHN later in the year. Evo APAC im still in 2 minds about.

Yeah OHN should be amazing too, I'm hoping to attend both.. but OHN seems to far away for me to plan ahead for.. lol.


Hi guys,

I'm curious as to how many players from NZ are somewhat confirmed to attend EVO APAC.

I know its a pretty big commitment, though the reason for me asking is that I'm tossing up some ideas for a 'New Zealand VS Australia' team match, with the team numbers based on how many people from NZ can attend (i.e. if 3 NZ players make it, it will be a 3v3 affair and so on).

The other idea is a 'Tri-Nations' team tournament as EVO APAC is also attracting players from Singapore. Again, this will also depend on committed numbers.

I'm curious as to how you feel about this, or if you have any ideas. I figure if we're going to have NZ and AU players under the same roof in a competitive atmosphere, we might as well amp shit up with some trans-tasman rivalry.

Let us know how you fare for numbers. Right now we have Skullator. A one man army.
"A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism."

- Carl Sagan



We do have some that are interested, though with EVo APAC not confirming venue/dates etc its hard for us to make plans etc as many here are full time workers with families xD

If we have further updates then I will assure you more would join the line, also we have things coming in May so that will decide what will happen in the NZ scene. Though I do take interest in your Tri-Nation thing :)

Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Im still on the fence TBH. And i think im leaning towards not going. :(
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Zosla: I hear ya. It makes planning difficult if not outright impossible.

The following update came from one of the organisers:

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we're now looking at late May for EVO APAC rather than early June. (Venues at UTS were not available when we wanted them.) We hope to have final dates within a week or so, and will announce them as soon as we can. Note that we're pushing for as late as possible in May (for various reasons), but I'd advice not booking any flights until you hear the final word from us on the dates.

We're also planning a series of lead-up SSF4 tournaments for EVO APAC during May. Expect to hear more about these in the coming weeks.

Hopefully the date gets nailed down soon so folks can plan work leave, buy required tickets, etc.
"A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism."

- Carl Sagan



Quote from: Gamogo on March 16, 2010, 01:37:58 PM
Zosla: I hear ya. It makes planning difficult if not outright impossible.

The following update came from one of the organisers:

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we're now looking at late May for EVO APAC rather than early June. (Venues at UTS were not available when we wanted them.) We hope to have final dates within a week or so, and will announce them as soon as we can. Note that we're pushing for as late as possible in May (for various reasons), but I'd advice not booking any flights until you hear the final word from us on the dates.

We're also planning a series of lead-up SSF4 tournaments for EVO APAC during May. Expect to hear more about these in the coming weeks.

Hopefully the date gets nailed down soon so folks can plan work leave, buy required tickets, etc.

Cheers for the update,
I now exactly what they mean by various reason they are wanting to make it as late as possible in May. It will be very hard to get leave without a good months notice so hopefully we can get updated as soon as possible.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.

[CYS] hebretto

Guys we are trying to figure what extra tournaments to run during APAC so if I could get a show of hands  of who might be going and what games they play. We were thinking of mvc2 (since you guys still play it) but if most of the people going don't play we will probably scrap the idea (allowing time and resource for other things).

is OLEET smoof? hahahaha

And yes as Gamogo said APAC will most likely be last weekend of May so no longer my birthday weekend haha but I will still try to organise something for our visitors to show some Sydney hospitality :)

CYS CEO aka Former TEAM AV CEO aka herbretto aka berbeto aka HAMAGER

Licensed to roll cancel since the age of 16.
