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MVC3 Pre-release thread

Started by xpunch, April 08, 2010, 09:31:37 PM

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Oh well I know at least one person who is gonna be REALLY psyched about Shuma Gorath.
KOW 2011


Feb 18 pal release date! I won't be in the country :( no pavement art hookups or release date partys in christchurch for this one :( unless they move it past the 22nd for Europe or I do the art the month before. Defintely gonna try and get the collectors edition though :)
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


Yeah I'm pretty happy about Shuma being in. He's always fun to play around with. Launch, activate super, jump, CHAOS DIMENSION. Wonder if they'll still let him combo off the end of chaos dimension and will he keep his unblockable DHC? At least make him not a charge character or give him some more decent moves or something.

Stinks that I have to wait 4 months though. So they are making characters with the game but they wanna release them later and not when it comes out...

samurai black

Quote from: geneterror on November 17, 2010, 08:27:01 AM
Oh well I know at least one person who is gonna be REALLY psyched about Shuma Gorath.

does his name start with S and end with a teven?


Yeah ;D
Every time we go to play all I'm going to hear is Steven shouting out "THE EYE!"
KOW 2011


capcom bullshit. Completely abusing the dlc option. Should be to expand the game later on , not to divy up the games release. It's like selling a chess set with missing pieces. Dicks.


Just like what Blazeblue did?

First thing; they are a company that do things to make money.  Second thing; don't think too much of it until the game has been released.
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Yeah but nah. Did blazblue have actual downloaded characters or were they already on the disc and you really just pay to unlock them?  To me it's a pretty ratshit way to treat their customers. I'l still buy it. Probably first day even.


Quote from: amendonz on November 17, 2010, 10:21:01 PM
Yeah but nah. Did blazblue have actual downloaded characters or were they already on the disc and you really just pay to unlock them?  To me it's a pretty ratshit way to treat their customers. I'l still buy it. Probably first day even.

The actual new characters are DLC.

And there are things like super versions of characters which you need to finish trials to unlock, but there's also the option to buy them if you cbf.


Blazblue is also priced very low initially to somewhat offset the DLC price. Even here it's only $70 - how often do new console games come out at that price?
There is no knowledge that is not power


"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Quote from: LN on November 18, 2010, 08:10:18 AM
Blazblue is also priced very low initially to somewhat offset the DLC price. Even here it's only $70 - how often do new console games come out at that price?

So true. New console games are pushing that $120 mark now huh? Like Black Ops :S

inb4 fluxcore telling us to 'take it to the BB thread.'


Yep, pretty much confirmed as fake. Apparently that site had Super Mario Galaxy listed as coming for PC ::)
KOW 2011