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NZ SF scene - Your thoughts.

Started by CrazyMobius, May 24, 2010, 07:49:27 AM

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Quote from: BIRRY WONG on June 30, 2010, 11:31:43 AM
You have missed my point here (and, to a lesser extent, Hue's) Hue totally understands all this. He has even said it. Hue was arguing that if we all play on substandard setups regularly WITH NO ACCESS TO GOOD SETUPS and we then bust out a different setup for competitions that are few and far between, then our performance suffers. His point is that at tournaments, our performance should be the best possible. The flaw in his argument was that he assumed we would not be having regular practice on lag free setups, which i have already said is not the case.

Ok, I acknowledge the point, and did right at the start of the "argument", but it is contingent on:
a) no-one having access to a lagless setup
b) it being a good idea to use a suboptimal setup in a tournament simply because people are not used to a lagless setup.

I doubt B is true in any case, and A is DEFINITELY not the case, so as far as I (and many other people) see, there IS no (and never has been any) argument. So the continual snarky comments from a handful of people about "how awesome they are and how they'll show everyone what's up but this is the LAST time they'll mention it" is entirely aggravating.

QuoteOk. Im sorry i assumed what makes you angry. But it seems i assumed correctly, said what you have said in this quote (although in a context which i attempted to use to benefit Hue and Andy, to try and illustrate YOUR point of view) and you have misread it and you are now arguing with me over nothing.

Again, the PREMISE of their claim I have no problem with. It is the comments surrounding it that are the problem. I'm making this point because I want them to realise that I DO respect them and recognise their talents as players, as I always have and will continue to say as long as it is true. But talking trash and claiming to have uncovered the secret (but won't share it because they got into an argument in the past over something that is dead and buried [by their own words]) is NOT constructive.
That as an accumulation of all the other "comments" is what provoked my rage post - and I still feel it was justified.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Sweet. The only thing im going to comment on is the bit about the 'trash talking'. While i admit, those comments were NOT constructive on their part, i dont think Hue's in particular were meant maliciously. And i genuinely dont think his attitude around all this is as bad as it would seem.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

The New Generation Clockw0rk


Hey Birry Wong, when are you backing me up?
booo hoo ><
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: BIRRY WONG on June 30, 2010, 08:29:13 AM
I think youre misinterpreting Hue a bit here Alan. He is not saying "I cant play on this so it is bad" He is just listing his personal experience and opinion. He is speaking on behalf of everybody, but is applying his own point of view to it, which i totally understand. Fact of the matter is, on the day of the 3v3, EVERYONE suffered from the same problem. Hue's argument is that he doesnt want everyone in NZ to look scrubby compared to the rest of the world. Which is fair enough.

Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r
Yes it's better because you can react better but you are not used to it so your combo timing is off. That's corrected. It wouldn't be a problem to the OUTCOME but it will be a problem to the PERFORMANCE. Because our timing is off, it made us look like scrubs even in the Grand Final. Ask how many players right here feel like scrubs in the 3v3 compare to their normal casuals ??

Quote from: BIRRY WONG on June 30, 2010, 08:29:13 AM
But ultimately, (and this is the ONLY point where i feel i disagree with Hue on this tbh) we need to play on a lag free setup to ACTUALLY get our game as best as we can.
Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r
If we run lag free setup consistently before the tournament, then i can understand and I would love to play on it.


We all look like a pack of fucking homos talking about this Lag issue.

Heres my "input" (no pun)

A Samsung 40" HDTV with x amount of lag is not a standard, it maybe what some of you prefer. My Sony Bravia 55" HDTV is what i use to prefer playing on, but,... its not a standard.

- Most of the setups on the international level is on NO LAG setups so this is THE standard
- The ppl who organize our tourneys has gone out of their way to find and use NO LAG setups to meet this standard

So lets stiffen up our upper lips and buy one of these or,..... dont complain at tourneys otherwise Jay Pula will Jab your fucking mouths.



Quote from: Gankatron on June 30, 2010, 06:04:58 PM
We all look like a pack of fucking homos talking about this Lag issue.

Heres my "input" (no pun)

A Samsung 40" HDTV with x amount of lag is not a standard, it maybe what some of you prefer. My Sony Bravia 55" HDTV is what i use to prefer playing on, but,... its not a standard.

- Most of the setups on the international level is on NO LAG setups so this is THE standard
- The ppl who organize our tourneys has gone out of their way to find and use NO LAG setups to meet this standard

So lets stiffen up our upper lips and buy one of these or,..... dont complain at tourneys otherwise Jay Pula will Jab your fucking mouths.


He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

samurai black

Quote from: Gankatron on June 30, 2010, 06:04:58 PM
dont complain at tourneys otherwise Jay Pula will Jab your fucking mouths.
jay scares me.


Quote from: Gankatron on June 30, 2010, 06:04:58 PMdont complain at tourneys otherwise Jay Pula will Jab your fucking mouths.

Consider this "debate" over.
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


I have played on mor then 10 diffrent setups and am still very goodd.  The peoplle that talk about lag are no pro.  The people that talk about lag are just bad and should practice more LOlZ.  I play aginst many top competitors on many diffeerent setups and because I train and I beleieve in my skill and not in the lag I win 100 %.  People that practice and play to win 100 % will always beat noob players that make lag excusse.

100 persent true

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Ye, i said the execution was bad, since the problem existed even in the 2v2
(it was worse, we had 3 setups, but only one of them were using the vga cable IIRC)

My intention was never "use laggy setup", or saying that we should do this or that, I was just trying to point out there's a persisting problem, and we needed a solution to prevent shit like this time.

I believe that if there's a lag free standard setup, everyone would prefer it.
However I don't the think the story is over yet.

1. For example this time at least James and Andy (can't be bothered to read all sorry ;D) said they have problem with this but not with CRT/ EVO APAC setup.
So is it possible that there might be some hidden problem with the setup we're using? I'm no good electronic techie.
Is there any cheap hack so people can get similar experience at home?

2. The last time when I went to giga to practice with Myron, we saw the ASUS monitor but couldn't figure
out how to connect it to the xbox, so we need to buy and bring our own vga cable right?

3. If 2 is true then, we probably can't be bothered, we're not that hardcore, i think it also applies to many casual players.
I wanna ask, since we're connecting to the projector parallel already, is it possible to connect to a giga big screen parallel as well in the tournament so people can choose which one to look at?
I mean its a disadvantaged setup, and giga probably won't charge you more for it, furthermore casual players like me and Myron can also participate with more confidence without having to specifically practice on a lagfree setup, I don't see any downside. But as always, its just a suggestion.

And its for Bill only, I think you're wrong, it takes really long for people to get used to it, at least that's the
case for me. Not to mention its only good when ALL setups you play on are lagfree, if you switch between
the twos or more different delay setups, your SSFIV life would probably be over.
And I'm a psychology undergrad, beat that.

Edit: OK, lenny is exception coz he's mighty


If you wish to continue to practice on a laggy setup then by all means do so, just do not come to a tournament to expect what your preference is as like Fong said, it is not the standard.

I hereby announce that if I find anymore pathetic post about lag and such in this thread will be deleted as Fong's post has pointed out (twice now, read that other lag thread that is locked) excatly what has been set in stone and agreed on.  There is no argument, just crying so stop it and move on.

I am not afraid to go all power monger mod all over this forum if this continues.

Get back to what this original thread was here for.  Lag stuff, take it to the lag thread or move on.
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


I'm on iPhone so can't respond in full but I just want to say I appreciate the tone and content of your post Cody. _b
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness