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NZism Super Street Fighter IV 3v3 Team Tournament! Saturday the 26th of June!

Started by Lennysaurus, June 05, 2010, 02:41:53 AM

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[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

oh yes , after my rage post congrats to the winners and also player of the day goes to richard umehalas chunli .
epic stuff blackula hunter  8)
"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "


Don't know what you're talking about. I didn't see Richard Umehala dropping links that weren't totally deliberate resets.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

samurai black

oh man, yesterday was heaps of  fun.

big thanks for lenny for getting the tourney sorted. super stoked with my miracle victory and that it resulted in a free feed at kfc courtesy of smoof :D

just sad i couldnt manage to eke out a win vs andy. didnt care if i lost to the rest of the team :D


Fuck Richard 'Beast' Umehala was the highlight of the tournament definitely. That was the most epic shit.

Tournament was fun, its a shame after our first win we got the 2 teams that came 2nd and 3rd but that's how it goes.

I also gotta say Smoof was pretty on point, and you 3 getting 4th was pretty epic.

Also big ups to my team Skull and Scrib, Skull vs Bill was so epic. And real big thanks to Scrib for paying for our team.

Shot Lenny once again for the organising and anyone else who helped out. 


Once again thank you to everyone for coming.  Although I am very dissapointed in how I played yesterday, it was a fucking awesome day.  I have to get a couple of things off my chest though that were annoying yesterday before I talk more about the good points:

-Button checks should be done by both players pressing rematch.  This might seem minor, But I swear to god more than half the button checks people would go all the way to the character select, pick thier characters, go back into the game, button check, and then character select again.  At 70 odd games for the tournament, with at least half of them as douche button checks youre looking at an extra 40 odd minuutes on the event, not to mention the arsefaces that decide its fucking practice mode and waste more time.  Once again you might think it's anal, but at 10 dollars an hour, and an hour extra time to the event, as an organiser it becomes tedious to say the least.

-The casual setup.  I have to take partial blame for this cause in honesty I should have just walked over and shut it down, but it was really dissapointing at the end of the night, after I had said several times that the tourney wasn't covering the extra setup that people played on it didn't contribute to paying  for it at the end of the night.  Mason, Hue, Bill, and Stu in particular and other people that contributed last night all deserve big ups for helping pay for the $90-00 setup.

Other than that big ups to everyone that came.  Some great matches.  Really would like to do this again if other people are interested.  Congrats to the top 3 of course you really deserve, at my belated respect for the legendery Umehala for OCV'ing my team last night.  You beat me down fair and square, but motherfucker you are mine next tournament!!!

TBH I found it difficult last night as well with some of my inputs, went home and tried my CRT and did fine with my shit.  I dont know if its the pressure from the tourney or what, but it seemed weird.  Def try that setup again for ranbats and see if its any different.  big ups to Skull and Bill as well for providing incredible entertainment.

Man I don't know what else to say other than:
-Shit is too awesome and we need to do more tourneys
-I'm so hungry to get better at this game

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


ggs to every one, awesome stuff. highlight of the day for me was when my team knocked out lennys team, that's right lenny, that's what you get for giving us that crappy team name ;D haha

p.s abel ultra 2 breaks my balls
abel ultra 2 = the most hated among the community


Quote from: The Lenny 2.0 on June 27, 2010, 11:49:57 AM

Man I don't know what else to say other than:
-Shit is too awesome and we need to do more tourneys
-I'm so hungry to get better at this game

After yesterday yes the tourney was awesome. One of the major highlights for me was the Rick Flair woo's when Zangief did his chop.

As far as getting better at this game I got pretty discouraged after playing on that setup. And my poor showing. I'm not complaining as I don't know enough about the tech side of things but I think I'm not gonna take this game so seriously now as honestly even if the controls were tip top there's no way I could have touched Fong or Ben's boxer.

TBH one of my biggest inpsirations was seeing Bill's Fuerte in action. Hype aside I'm really impressed with how he took a difficult character to learn, stuck with him and managed to really put on an impressive show as the Main Event at the tourney.


Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Team OldSchool
Lenny Sim, James Rose, CrazyMob Blanka

Team Small Diddles
GeneTerror Bison, Jacksmash Akuma, SimonFISH Abel

Team Rush
Richard Guile, Myron Rufus, Hue Viper

Team Lennys Nuts
Fong Boxer, XPunch Dudley, Wicked Gief

Team No Correct Change
Stu Bison, Richard Chun, IllBill Elf

Team Brad is Lazy
Matt Guy, Brad Akuma, Danni Cammy

Team Raging Emo SLuts
Electric Abel, nate Cammy, Charles Akuma

Team Ultra Destroeys of Avalon
Gino Blanka, Steve Chun, Ivan Rog

Team World of Wicked Wings
Ben Rog, Euan Ken, Smoof Sagat

Team Newbies
Mike Dic, Andy Ryu, Kevin Gief

Skull Chun, Mason Akuma, Scrib Cammy

Team IronRumbleDave
Dave Cody, Sol Honda, Rumble Guile

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I also found the setup to be.. um crap LOL, it was not till the last game when i actually started to get use to the freaking thing -.- just feels weird considering a no lag setup :)
at one point I felt like punching the damn monitor !!!! lol.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Yeah I definitely think people will need a few more practice games to get used to the setup, but from what I understand there isn't actually anything wrong with it. If the next few ranbats/whatever other tournament are on it hopefully that will suffice to get people warmed up to it, because I doubt we'll have much opportunity for long practices during nats...
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Yeah I still am not sure about it. If it is tested to be no lag, maybe splitting it to the projector makes it first feed to the projector, then the monitor or something?

Although Ben's team came 4th and I know Ben always plays CRT and I didn't hear any lag complaints from him :/


Quote from: massi4h on June 27, 2010, 01:38:20 PM
Yeah I still am not sure about it. If it is tested to be no lag, maybe splitting it to the projector makes it first feed to the projector, then the monitor or something?

Although Ben's team came 4th and I know Ben always plays CRT and I didn't hear any lag complaints from him :/

Lets just keep going for now.  TBH we just need to get used to it I reckon.

People keen to do another 3v3?  I wouldn't mind doing another one for sure.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I'm sorry if this question has already been answered but According to our boys who participated in EVO APAC in Aus, they said the setup has a bit delay so that everyone there could perform at their best and even Daigo didn't played on a lag free setup and we could see our boys didn't miss combo as much as our tournaments (so I don't think it's the pressure problem).

A lag free setup is great only if EVERYONE feels comfortable with it. But as far as i know, almost everyone including top players have pretty bad experience with the lag free and could not perform at their best. In fact, whenever a tournament is about to start, the first thing that top players are worrying is not about their opponents, nor the match-ups, It's the lag less setup.

While having a lag free setup would be great. I think having a tournament where everyone can perform at their bests would be better. I've seen many players just stood still doing nothing in the middle of the combo string. And many players who has over 95% chance of execution hard combos can't even perform a normal combo. So far, all we've seen in our tournaments are basic combos, nothing impressive.... all the top players have the fear of screwing up their timing and eat an ultra/a painful combo in their faces due to the lag free setup. Maybe a small delay is designed for the game so that our brain/eyes/reactions can sync with the input more effectively. I don't know.

But anyway, my question is Why can't we have a tournament where everyone can perform at their bests and feel most comfortable with ??

P.s : I'm not complaining or anything, it's all good to me tbh. If I play on a machine which I feel comfortable with, I can go for crazier mix-up and combos and give more entertainment to everyone. Otherwise, I would just stick to the most basic & safe combo and still win/lose the match.
As one of the top 10 players, I want to say that winning or losing has never been an important factor to us. We only participate in the tournament to horn up our own skills and enjoy the show with everyone else. So please don't take my comments as "I blame on the setup and want to win more matches"


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on June 27, 2010, 03:13:11 PM

But anyway, my question is Why can't we have a tournament where everyone can perform at their bests and feel most comfortable with ??

Because it's impossible.

Also, do you actually realise what you're actually asking for? You want less time to react to throws, less time to react to whiffs, and less time to react for punishes. If you were asking for this in a tekken community you would be laughed out of the community. Most characters in tekken have different punishment options by 1 FRAME and if you specifically add in input lag, suddenly lots of moves become much much more difficult to punish or have far poorer realistic punishment options than are the theoretical best.

Additionally, anyone who isn't using animation cues for every single hit of their combo will NOT be adversely affected by input lag - the timing between hits is EXACTLY the same. Input lag on the monitor doesn't magically change the speed of the game, or make the console slow down, only what you SEE is different. The only time where this falls down is differences in overall game speed, which is so miniscule between xbox and ps3 as to be practically non-existent (and yes this has been shown running the setups side by side).

As I've said before, all people need to do is take a little bit of time getting used to each setup before matches. I think you'll find getting used to a lag-free setup is well worthwhile, because you can actually start to play the game as it is intended. You know, by the developers, not by a bunch of people that have played at their house or at some arcade for a while.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness