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Mortal Kombat 9: You weak pathetic fools!

Started by fluxcore, June 11, 2010, 10:40:26 AM

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samurai black


Haha same pose as the reptile alt...select colour + fill  ;)
"You'll never survive in the jungle"......


I actually am starting to grow on this. Ima give it a rent then probably end up buying it.


Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


-work to live not live to work-><>


Hands on preview with Ed Boon.


Looks sharp, glad its heading back to the roots, damn the xray moves look smart :)


I can't say too much right now but I've played a demo build (Looks more than a demo tbh) and straight away the game feels like Super UMK3 Ex Edition or lets put it this way a proper successor to UMK3.  So thats an awesome thing in my books and a roster that fans will be happy with I reckon.  I will do a write up once I can.


Fuck you lucky beast, get me a job where you work.


I'm keen as to try this and hope i like it!
Xbox Gamertag is ZERO's, not capital "O"s ~~ CaptainH00K


Me too! Thats us hook when it comes out. Bags reptile, hope hes got some awesome force ball combos


I can't combo in ANY game so i will be just jumping around waiting to be raped. :P
Xbox Gamertag is ZERO's, not capital "O"s ~~ CaptainH00K


Looks like it won't be getting an Australian release. I wonder if that will affect here. Not that I would buy it. This game is just so stupidly violent for my tastes.



What the?

How is it any worse than most FIGHTING games, or a FPS (sweet training for WAR combat i guess) or more morally depraved than say GTA?
I remember playing a friends copy of Medal Of Honour (i think it was called) and it was like the start of Saving Private Ryan. It was fucking
intense.. MK is hardly realistic unlike games like that, rather it's more like comic book violence.

Not directed at you Mobius.. just at the pussies in Oz. :P
Xbox Gamertag is ZERO's, not capital "O"s ~~ CaptainH00K


i think some of the fatalities get pretty gorey