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SSF4 Fortnightly Ranking Battles - 26th Nov 2010

Started by Rorooze, September 01, 2010, 07:52:45 PM

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my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Quote from: [NIUE] BIRRY WONG on October 15, 2010, 08:39:21 AM
Fuck so pissed off that I'm working. Hope it all goes well tonight.

YES!!! one less El Fuerte to smash.


What time you all getting there? I finish class at 5 and I think I'll head straight over. Left my HDD, SSF4, VGA and TE there.



Quote from: massi4h on October 15, 2010, 11:01:08 AM
What time you all getting there?
Rory is picking me up from mine just before 6 so we'll be up there not to long after that.
KOW 2011

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


I work in town sorry bro so I'm alrady there. I just wander over afte work.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Last night was really awesome.  Loads of people there and heaps of good games!

Couple of things:

Big thanks to Jack, who donated the copy of Blazblue he won last night to NZism, which we will be using as a prize for the Christmas Damager tournament.

No more drinking at Giga sorry guys.  Tony spoke to me last night that we cant have people consuming alcohol on the premises as they do not have a liquor licence.  So no more drinking in Giga.  This includes being sneaky and holding your can behind your back!

Anyone got any feedback about how it went?

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I thought it was awesome. Heaps of people. ggs to all those I played at SSF4,  I can't believe I lost to that Seth chip damage what, 2 maybe 3 times :D. Hook you're better than what you make out on here as well you just need some more time with the game I reckon and like we discussed learning to tech throws is a big one in SSF4.
Fuck you Matt next time I'm choosing Bison for you and only you :P haha but for real I'll bring a flash drive in next time so I can grab some of that music off you.

Cheers to those people that came over and played Blazblue. First time that I actually had a chance to play other people 8) I'll be bringing in my sticks and copy of the game in most fortnights as long as there is interest.
KOW 2011




It was pretty awesome. Thanks to Lenny and scribble for the jam beforehand. That kind of thing is definitely where i *think* i learn the most at this stage.
Trying to get food for 40mins afterwards was an adventure too. I complained the whole time cause that's what i do but i love it really. :D

Thanks Rory and Lenny for running it!
I honestly reckon we need a better app for running the bracket aye. I know it works fine when you learn its quirks, but i hate when software
is only good once you've figured out how to get around it's bullshit.

Thanks geneterror, that was actually the first time i ever won a round let alone a game at ranbats. :D And i think that's only cause i distracted you with
questions about playing AS we were playing. Hehehhe. The other two games you beat me easily as one would expect but i appreciate the advice you gave
me as you smashed my face in. :)

The best part was getting hounded by Birry Wong to go and play in ranbats, and then hanging with him at the event and getting dinner/talking game tactics etc.

.....Oh wait. :D :D: D
Xbox Gamertag is ZERO's, not capital "O"s ~~ CaptainH00K


Oh yeah before I forget!

There were 4 new faces last night!!!  The self proclaimed "Kelston Scrubs" turned up, and also a new Juri player.  ITt's always awesome when we get new blood, and I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves as well!  Looking forward to seeing you guys on the regular and seeing you transform into beasts!

Cool to see Manawakore as well, as I haven't seen him in aaaages!  Best be getting yo ass there on the regular yo!

Also, there are loads of us from out west now.  We should try and organise a little gathering and some training sessions imo.  Would be rad.

We had the crazy mission trying to find somewhere to eat last night after Ranbats.  I think CaptainHook hates me now lol.  Speaking of Hook, your going good mang!  Keep the practice and learn your anti-airs and then you'll be on your way to being golden I reckon.

And also.  GET THERE ON TIME YOU CRAP BASTARDS!!!!  Heaps of latecomers last night made Rory sad cause when I put them into the bracket I fucked it up slightly lol.

How did the Blazblue games go?  I didn't get a chance to see any of it.


NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Last nights ranbats were awesome, really good seeing everyone again, alot of new faces too. I really like having the three setups, it was good getting in alot of casuals after scrubbing out early. One thing I didn't realise til Rory pointed out to me was that I was kinda hogging one of the setups, I was just having so much fun playing  :D. So maybe look into setting some rules for the casuals like a 5 win limit then you have get up, or just two different players after each game.
Looking forward to the next one already!

Karizzma that xbox dongle connection thingy you put on my te stick, I forgot to take it off after ranbats, I'll make sure to bring it next ranbats.


Yeah I forgot to mention the rules of the casual setup last night but its meant to be 3 wins and you're off. With 26 people and 3 setups we can't use winner stays on!

[edit] on that note, we need more people bringing gear in :P [/edit]