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Good headphones for Ps3?

Started by Chocobuny, September 29, 2010, 04:34:13 PM

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What do you guys use for Ps3 Headpones/Mic? My Tv is so awful I can't even hear people talking so I need some headphones, but everything I look at is like $250+. Anything in the $50-100 range that is decent?


Personally prefer wired over wireless, don't have to worry about charge\battery.
Awesome option, Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000, good price, excellent mic and audio quality.



Quote from: Skullator on September 29, 2010, 04:58:47 PM
Personally prefer wired over wireless, don't have to worry about charge\battery.
Awesome option, Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000, good price, excellent mic and audio quality.


Wow holy shit this looks like exactly what I'm looking for... Just a few questions though. Does it play the game sounds through it? Like will I hear SHOOOOOOOOORYUKEN etc through it? And just making sure can I hear the other people through it? I just can't rely on my TV's audio, it only plays in Mono and it's really awful : (.


By default, when you pop the headphones in PS3 will default stuff like this:

Street fighter audio will still come out your TV
Voice chat will play very clearly through your headset (You can't hear ppl at all through tv speakers, whack these on and it works)
The mic will capture your voice, and be good enough to not pick up the tv sounds when you don't talk.

You can change what your headphones are set to do in your PS3 settings, like have the game sound come out through the ears too, but thats not recommended for voice chat as it'll clusterfuck like the tv did. Try keep it seperate as game audio is not that important and works fine out the TV


Yah I have a pair of these that I use on my PC and that I used to use on my PS3 when I had one.

Great value for money.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero