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Random Thoughts Thread.

Started by CrazyMobius, October 29, 2010, 07:16:26 PM

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samurai black

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: samurai black on November 19, 2010, 08:43:15 AM
why are samoans and maoris jealous?

btw redtie, that shit is top tier :D

FUckin A. Also is Mason samoan?
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Kefe. Of course I am, isn't it blaringly obvious :D

Also nice one redtie, now that I think about it I could always pull off all the moves in killer instinct on N64, I guess it's just the xbox 360 pad putting me off pads.


"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


Quote from: redtie on November 15, 2010, 01:47:01 AM
When I was a kid all games looked HD

Which is why we strive to run them in emulators at their native resolution or buy massive fucking CRT monitors with the able body to be tate'd to infinity and beyond.


Squares you are very smart boy.

You know what a stupid word is?


Should be replaced with: 'Flossy swagger'

Oh snap the guitar hero champ is one of us! Shot cuzzie

samurai black

i went to go buy the super alts for ssf4 but holy fuck, i am not paying $34 for the full pack. ill wait til theyre on sale or something.

and then i had a toasted coconut brunch bar. pretty good.


9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape
I bliss...like the fist...of the mantis...
Those who oppose get dropped and hit the canvas.


NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero



hahahahah holy shit!!! Got a ride home from I don't know where. Was outside the police station at the lights. Put the window down and said 'hey mother fucker merry christmas!' to this random cunt in the backseat of the car next to us at the lights. Guy was all happy and shit So I threw him a beer that bounced off his car roof then onto the road then he opened his door and grabbed it, then some cop car rolled up behind him and we saw him get rolled by them down the road hahahahha. Frame trap for real

Good times good times


The Nintendo Wii was first released in 2006 and introduced the world to kinetic gaming. Now with Sony and Microsoft releasing their respective counterparts it looks like the gaming world is set to have an overhaul once again.
The gaming scene has changed a lot since the early days of the likes of Pac Man and Space Invaders and as technology has advanced the types of games being released have also evolved. Early on 2D graphics were the most popular option and the limitation in pixels meant that characters and environments that were simplified created more of an impact than rendering more realistic graphics. This coupled with the idea that games or playing was the domain of the child led to the creation of simplistic often cute 2D video game heroes. As the technology advanced this expectation was still in place in the minds of gamers and game creators and games still held childlike visuals and were set in fantasy settings.
As 3D technology started to take over simulation games became more accessible and the demand on the players imagination lessened.
Game companies started to market their games to an older audience and consoles were pushed to be less related to toys and more to another form of entertainment media.
Previous to this games were the domain of the child or at least of the adults who had lived in a more internal world. Gamers were often seen as at best geeks or at worst freaks. Game companies realized that these types of people were the minority in the population and that there was a lot more money to be made if they marketed to the majority of normal well adjusted people. This has seen the gaming industry grow in leaps and bounds.
With the addition of Nintendos Wii and its Sony and Microsoft counterparts it brings the simulation genre to its peak. It also allows the games to be simplified as the controls are simplified. This is yet another way game companies are able to target people that don't see themselves or don't wish to see themselves as the unappealing label of "gamer".
So eventually the gamer as it was known in the past is an endangered species. What was once it's sanctuary is now being destroyed. Where will these poor forgotten souls move to when their homeland is completely gone? That is yet to be seen.


I saw a guy on breakfast say the average gamer is like 33 years old and half of them are female. I was about to smash my tv screen after he kept blabbing on about his shit.

Next he's gonna say the average athlete is 40 years old cause all the old people like to go for walks.


I wonder within nzism what our average age is? I think me and jacksmash are the youngest?


Jack's 16? I'm 20 and so is smoof and Ben? How old are you?