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Online Gaming on kaillera

Started by kcv, September 21, 2007, 05:26:49 AM

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Unlike before, I hardly see any NZ players on kaillera these days. Its like all the NZ online players died along with the Auckland ihug kaillera server.

Anyways, just because there are no servers in nz doesn't mean nz people cant play on kaillera. The latest open kaillera client comes with inbuilt p2p mode that works better than and doesn't require any servers. All it requires you to do is forward a port like you have to do with any bittorrent or other p2p systems and you are all set.

For the open kaillera client with p2p:

Info and faq: http://kaillera.movsq.net/
Download: http://kaillera.movsq.net/?p=2 <-- http://kaillera.movsq.net/kailleraclient.dll
Installation: http://kaillera.movsq.net/?p=3
Usage manual: http://kaillera.movsq.net/?p=4
you tube short video tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0uVZblgdcE
here is a flash one of an older version but still useful: http://www.killwt.com/sf3/tutorial.htm  Also has info and files on how to set up SFIII:3s.

If you cant port forward, there is always the option for playing through Hamachi.

Anyways, have fun.


Hi, and welcome to the forum!

Thanks for the info, it's always good to have a repository for tips on this kind of stuff.
I think Kaillera has a bit of a bad rap, especially in NZ where our internet is pathetic - in my limited experience the lag was simply unacceptable. With the recent release of GGPO, which has extremely nice netcode, I think Kaillera is becoming less important, as well - unless you don't like Alpha 2, I guess :)

Have you tried out GGPO? It really is very nice to be able to play against Australians, because many of them are really damned good. I can't imagine being able to do that over Kaillera with my pings.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


yup yup yup yup yup. I did =) I played your sakura on ggpo right? The nick was civilian. I've left NZ about 6 or something years ago and have no idea what people play there these days but the only thing you'll be able to play on GGPO for a while is SFA2. Its something a lot of us don't play and aren't any good with.

GGPO has latency compensating code which re-emulates internally when needed to reduce internet delay down to one frame and yes, you could get really far with it if you had a really good pc and a stable internet connection. But well, its not perfect. It'll mask your opponent's move for first couple of frames (equal to your delay) so sometimes even when you see you've hit them, it'll turn out that its your opponent who's hit you instead after a couple of frames. But I guess its way better than ordinary kaillera.

No kaillera implementing emulators do what ggpo has done yet but think of p2p as 1/2 of what ggpo does. There should be similar projects around January next year at the earliest and p2p has been known to yield only 1-2 frames delay with people in the same city. Well, everything depends on the ping between the players and connection stability.

Anyways, get some ggpo a2 tourneys going :D