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Shadowloo Showdown 2010: Results and Video

Started by EXC355UM, December 17, 2010, 08:55:30 PM

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Hey Guys, after a few days sleep I finally got around to writing the results article which you can view below.
Shadowloo Showdown 2010: Results & Videos.

I will also be writing a recap article soon that will cover our adventures before and after Shadowloo Showdown. Thanks! and keep an eye out on http://www.shadowloo.com.


[NIUE] weazzyefff

LOL i think we had more BBCS players at the damager. And the numbers for every other fighting game besides SSF4 and 3s were pretty stink ay. T6 was badd as. You guys must have trouble with that community as do we.

DIdn't that Welly dude Moose go over?
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Moose was already over there for something else, not sure if he ended up going or not.
KOW 2011


It's still sinking in now how awesome that event was, EXC355UM and the whole Shadowloo\TEC did such an insanely good job with things they seemed to have literally every aspect covered on the day and made sure the international guests got such a good impression of the down under scene that you can be certain they will want to get back for the next event as soon as possible.
Major thanks for putting me up like you did Ali bro, went out of your way and made me feel real welcome. You Melbourne lot are such a loving bunch  ;D

Moose did attend! Did his 12 \ Necro thing in the 3S tourney like the beast he is ;] Good on ya for making it man was real good to have some Kiwi backup!
Hope it was worth the experience and spectating for ya, lack of red parrys aside lol   ;D

Got around to resizing and cropping some pictures. Shadowloo's godlike music video sized camera blows my iPhone4's focus and quality out of the water but I'm pretty sure I was the exclusive coverage of the boozey moments hahaha, good times.

I'm just going to dump some pictures for now, still havn't had much downtime since I got back due to work and busy weekends.
I'll do a full write up when I finish editing, uploading and get around to posting the videos here too.

Uploading and tagging now then EDIT-DUMP~

Sup Melbourne!

Step1 after you arrive in foreign country, it's very important to establish a temporary, holiday lab.
Shout outs to Moonee ponds!

Step2 is to find some training buddies, and if at all possible, a better lab! Thankfully the syndicate were willing to share  ;D
Shadowloo's Lab. The stuff legends are made of. Thanks again for having me bro's!

Some serious talent going on aroud the Shadowloo team.. one of their walls..

We went and picked Gamerbee up from the airport lol. Welcome to Australia lads, it's decent eh?

Onto some Melbourne Zoo shots, Met the Shadowloo gang there as they took Tokido around for the day.

Zebra's actually look good with Tokido in the same shot. In the later shots, they totally just striped horses!

Tokido meets up with Somniax at the zoo. JK bro's, thats only a statue of a turtle, not the genuine article. Jk again bro's, it's all good we cool lol.

Murderface, friend of birds. Good camera skills on this one btw Ali haha.

Noticed this tree cat had an unusually long face...


What a scoop!

Admiral Ackbar says: It's a trap! (door spider)

The dual mod TE can retire now, I got solo X360 Qanba Real Arcade Pro stick.
And thanks to Mason, we have learned not to put our stick on our laps when they have signatures on the base of them lol.

The winning 3v3 partner-

Moose teaches Tokido a thing or two about 3S!

When does the term godlike not apply? When it's actually a god who is doing it of course!

Epic loot:
New Qanba Real Arcade Pro X360 Wired stick, way nicer than a Madcatz TE in terms of weight, design and overall feel (Made of wood instead of metal and plastic lol)
Old TE signed by the legends
And beast mode Chun vs Sagat medal ;]!

Brodsta beast moding it, got a mean video interview with him Weazzy, wait and see!

Toxy setting up the old school Tiger Shots traps!

We hit up boxhill Arcade one day, it's a wee ways out of Melbourne CBD area but it's easily the best fighting game Arcade in Melbourne. Playerbase and hardware.
Got plenty pics and vids from in there but will have to deal with the bulk of them later.

Remembering what the kid from the Beyblade vid taught us all....

When all of a sudden Alex Valle's inspirational guidance ran through my head and I was able to finally....

Who needs a gf, this girl had my back the entire trip.

One night I checked out this Local Melbourne meetup, they get together I think weekly here in this room right by Collingwood station. Everyone pitches in with setups and displays etc and the room transforms into good times. This pic is from there, prob got more of there and vids later.

Some boozey pics from the saturday night after singles was over, pics are alright but look forward to the vids haha.

Gamerbee is all smiles, just like Adon!

Love this shot, Naruga and Carnage are FEELIN' THEMSELVES!

Back to the vibe

Not even third strike is immune to the murder face

When we don't have our murder faces on, our eyes glow green!

Life is good.

Pics are alright, but look forward to the vids! haha.
Note: Ali obviously take anything you like, and if anyone wants their pics taken down just let somebody know and I'll sort it.

Social videos by Ali:

Social videos by Me:
Plenty on its way hahaha, might give it all to Marc first though, better chat on that note at some stage lol.

SSFIV videos by me:
Skullator Vs Somniax during 3v3 Tourny.

2 go here later this week: Me Vs that Ryu who beat Mago in 3v3 on stream
Maybe some random money matches I vidded.
Maybe some random casuals I vidded.

Other peoples vids:
Not going to upload my own games recorded vs the internationals, but hey somebody else took this one so it's fair game haha.
Watch him download like a pro..

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Bro upload the boozy moments for sure.

I wanna see Mago and that drunk.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Fuckin' epic writeup bro!

I'll have to get some contacts off you we may be heading to Oz mid next year to visit my father in law. And 3 green bars it up. If I do I might nick some match footage and point everyone to your write and youtube channel if thats ok.

Awesome stuff! cheers for sharing your experiences with all your kiwi crew  ;D
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


I never realised he got his nickname from the face he makes when he plays. That's pretty cool!


Girst thanks for the vids^^ looks fun :)

who knocked you out in the tourny? Mago?
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Great stuff Thomas. Was good to meet you, and glad you had a good time in Oz.  :)



Awesome writeup.

Kudos especially for proving the doubters wrong and putting on such a successful event. I'm sure none involved will ever forget it! Isn't it amazing how far the FGC has come in such a short time recently? Who would have thought it would be possible to get three people like Gamerbee, Mago and Tokido out to a lil ol Australian tournament even just 1 year ago?
There is no knowledge that is not power


Quote from: zos'la on December 21, 2010, 02:07:12 PM
Girst thanks for the vids^^ looks fun :)

who knocked you out in the tourny? Mago?

My first loss was very convincingly to Robsux C.Viper, Sydneys top player imo.
His viper is godlike, on par with how amazing Hydrokinesis's got very early in 2009. But the late 2010 equivilent lol.

My second loss was to Acedizl Adon, Australias #2 Adon player.
I lost 3 rounds in a row, then won 3 rounds in a row, and in final round of game three (the double match point round) we both got down to just about chippable damage to lose the round.. and on the final reset situation my guess was that he was going to mash EX dragon, and since Adon's EX DP type move would of caught my backdash clean in that zone I chose to sit on the downback.
I hoped I would survive the chip and then win the round by punishing his recovery... If I had of thrown outright I was expecting to get blown up by a mash EX DP. So I sat on my downback.. too scared to attempt a delay crouch tech.. and got blown up by a throw =\
Was a shame to lose to a reset, but I was still very pleased to "download" this guys Adon and turn it around that quickly because it's certainly not a matchup I'm confident in yet lol. And yeah he took the first 3 rounds back to back to back, then I took the next 3.

TLDR: Good times in singles.

Quote from: LN on December 22, 2010, 09:06:14 AM
Awesome writeup.

Kudos especially for proving the doubters wrong and putting on such a successful event. I'm sure none involved will ever forget it! Isn't it amazing how far the FGC has come in such a short time recently? Who would have thought it would be possible to get three people like Gamerbee, Mago and Tokido out to a lil ol Australian tournament even just 1 year ago?

Nothing amazing about it in a sence that EXC355UM's crew is unlike anything to have come before it in his country, godlike.
Godlike, as is the city of Melbourne in general :)
I'd put money on the fact that a Sydney event wouldn't of been as ballin', just sayin!!! (Mad drama skills right there, but it's true)

In my opinion, alot of personal drain and risk is involved in organizing something of that magnitude, and they took it all, ran with it and pulled it off big time.
ALL THE WHILE still actively thinking about the future and what was truly important at every hiccup, each and every step of the way (From what I saw anyway)
The international players lasting impressions on Australia for example. Will the players themselves even want to go back for the next one? You betcha they will.

TLDR: TEC is godlike!


Good work to the Organizers, I know its tough !!!!

I wouldn't say Sydney wasn't as good lol, as it was an amazing experience for all that attended and same as this one you just attended.
RobSux do have an amazing Viper, he also has a good Chun, he knows the fight very well. Last time in Sydney I've played him many times but even knwoing the Viper match very well due to playing Hue and James, he still gives me a headache sometimes lol. He is deifitely one of the top players in sydney along with HB and others.

Love to see the match vids of you playing him and the Adon.

Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: zos'la on December 22, 2010, 10:50:05 AM
Good work to the Organizers, I know its tough !!!!

I wouldn't say Sydney wasn't as good lol, as it was an amazing experience for all that attended and same as this one you just attended.
As always Andy, your opinions on the matters at hand are relevant and valued!!

I didn't say Sydney APAC event wasn't as good by any means, I said nobody else could of pulled off SS as sucessfully as they have.
I wasn't putting Sydney or APAC on blast by any means, this is not the time\place\topic and wheres the benefit in that discussion ever taking place? But I know for a fact it's bullshit for you to say it was an "amazing experience for ALL that attended"
You could say it was less open, but more professional. Not saying thats wrong or right, no point. Just saying.
Professional in a sence that non local players who had fully paid for both days of APAC but lost their identifier on day 1, were turned away or forced to re-pay to get in on day2.
Professional in a sence that they handled their international guests very differently, there was certainly no pre-announced arcade visits or open events for people to join in on. (Everyone was not able to find out about GG's meetup prior to the event, you had to be on the inside, no proper web publicity used)

TLDR: I wasn't talking about APAC at all or putting Sydney on blast, I was buttering TEC for a job well done and an amazing event (What this topic is actually about, btw)

Quote from: zos'la on December 22, 2010, 10:50:05 AM
RobSux do have an amazing Viper, he also has a good Chun, he knows the fight very well. Last time in Sydney I've played him many times but even knwoing the Viper match very well due to playing Hue and James, he still gives me a headache sometimes lol. He is deifitely one of the top players in sydney along with HB and others.

Love to see the match vids of you playing him and the Adon.

Yeah he's a beast.
I wish I had my tournament matches recorded but none of mine were on the main streamed setup (Recorded automatically) and the four pool seperation made things all very rushed so there was no time for me to set up stuff each match.