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Hamilton possible Tekken5 DR tournament...

Started by fluxcore, January 19, 2007, 02:24:37 PM

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Just to let people know, I have sent an email to the manager of TimeZone Hamilton to try to nut out whether it would be possible to run a tournament either myself or in collaboration with TZ. I'll keep you guys updated on the success of such negotiations. I recommend anyone interested in doing so try to do the same at their local arcades, if possible! Apparently the CHCH people managed to get such a regime started, so I have high hopes.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Ok, I'm officially giving up on my venture to run a TekkenDR tourney in Hamilton, at least until I get some measure of support from some players. Judging from the absolute lack of interest by tekkenites in TekkenZaibatsu, along with the zero patronage of this site, I'm not thinking too much of our "biggest scene" right now.

I've emailled the manager and also gone in there and handed a letter in, neither of which have elicited any response whatsoever. The next step would be to go in and make an appointment to talk face to face to the guy, but since the only interest from any Hamilton player was to say "you're wasting your time", I don't think I'll bother.

I must say I'm disappointed. Had I tried this in Auckland, maybe the response would have been better, then again, I've tried to get people on TZaibatsu interested in the BlackBoxSession tourneys and they haven't batted an eyelid. Perhaps they are happy with competition/the scene as it is?

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Wow Im sorry to hear noone is interested in the tourney it kinda sucks as in how much effort you put into it even writing a formal letter to the TZ manager. I'd love to enter a tournie but H-Town to far for me lol.

As for the blackbox session I'll be there bro mainly for GT4 but TekkenDR as well it should be sweet hope to see you there bro.

IMO the Tekken scene is cool. Its pretty compeitive bar the several PROS out there that means you Zenki and Diablo you broken BSFs lol. Also the fact that T.Zaibatsu keeps us up to date with players around NZ so its an added bonus for them to stay in TZ. Plus I only play to meet up with the dudes and kick some a$$ then mine getting whooped some lol. Also for us not making the BBS please dont flame them about it. Some of us would love to enter just we have to work to pay for the Tekken lol, or were just busy yo.

Sweet?, Suweet bro!!! :) .....

PSN: primofreak
Currently playing - Call of Duty Black Ops, Soul Calibur 4, MVC2


As I've previously stated in my PM to you, fluxcore: It's disheartening, but you're wasting your time here in Hamilton.

If you're really that determined to run a T5DR tournament (or any other fighting game), it'd actually be far less work for you to go to Auckland to organise one than trying to get something meaningful done in Hamilton. Again, as I stated in my PM to you, Hamilton has no scene whatsoever. The only people who plays T5DR thesedays, except myself and few other friend of mine, are:
- mashers.
- mashers for years.
- scrubs.
- scrubs who complains $2 to start a game is too expensive, but they never challenge human players for the $1 continue.
- scrubs who'd only initiate a challenge to another scrubbier scrub for his sure-win.

Seriously, are you going to deal with these kind of people???

Moving on... I'm not sure why the manager didn't give you any sort of replies regarding to your intention of organising a T5DR tournament; I'll track down this issue for you. However, I'd still sugguest you don't bother with it, you're only wasting your time. I'd give you my support if the scene is at least as good as T5.0 days... sadly it isn't, and I honestly see no point of organising a tournament here with only scrubs around.

As for the lack of patronage... I guess TekkenZaibatsu is just more convinent; frame data, individual character strategies etc are all there. Take it easy :)



I've talked to the manager of TimeZone today; this is what happened:
- He did not receive your Email which you sent earlier.
- However he did receive your formal letter and has read through it, although he has been away for the past 2 weeks or so, hence no formal reply to you yet.
- He is interested in giving you his support, and welcomes face-to-face discussions. He invites you to visit TimeZone on Tuesday morning during his shift, to carry out such discussions.

Also, just for your information, Coin Cascade Ltd. (owner of TimeZone) is holding a national tournament for DDR Supernova, Maximum Tune2 and Tekken5 DR in the up-coming months til May, therefore you'd most likely be told to wait til this national tournament ends before you start organising your tournaments.


Quote from: coldfire on February 17, 2007, 12:13:19 AM
As I've previously stated in my PM to you, fluxcore: It's disheartening, but you're wasting your time here in Hamilton.

If you're really that determined to run a T5DR tournament (or any other fighting game), it'd actually be far less work for you to go to Auckland to organise one than trying to get something meaningful done in Hamilton. Again, as I stated in my PM to you, Hamilton has no scene whatsoever.

Despite however undesirable things are at the moment, I am still willing to give it a try. If nothing comes of it, then so be it.

As for the lack of patronage... I guess TekkenZaibatsu is just more convinent; frame data, individual character strategies etc are all there. Take it easy :)

As I have stated many times previously, this site was never set up with the intention of taking over strategy sites such as Shoryuken or Tekken Zaibatsu; That would just be stupid. Both sites have pretty basic ability to meet other players in various regions, but I think they aren't quite good enough for the local scenes. Australia has OzHadou, we had absolutely nothing, so I thought I'd just set something up and see how it goes. I'm reasonably happy with how it's going so far, but obviously this site needs some new blood. I had just assumed (wrongly, as it turns out) that Tekken players would like something more local for matchmaking and events. I'm glad that at least some MvC2 players have turned up.

I've talked to the manager of TimeZone today; this is what happened:
- He did not receive your Email which you sent earlier.
- However he did receive your formal letter and has read through it, although he has been away for the past 2 weeks or so, hence no formal reply to you yet.
- He is interested in giving you his support, and welcomes face-to-face discussions. He invites you to visit TimeZone on Tuesday morning during his shift, to carry out such discussions.

Also, just for your information, Coin Cascade Ltd. (owner of TimeZone) is holding a national tournament for DDR Supernova, Maximum Tune2 and Tekken5 DR in the up-coming months til May, therefore you'd most likely be told to wait til this national tournament ends before you start organising your tournaments.

That's all good stuff to know! I included my cellphone number and email address in my letter to the manager, so not getting a reply at all (even just to say 'meh') was a bit of a surprise. I'm glad he has actually seen it. Obviously an in-person discussion would be good at this point, however I work 9-5 during the week and Saturday morning, so fitting it in could be a little tricky, and Tues morning is unfortunately not possible. If you have some way of passing this on that would be great.

The upcoming tournament also piques my interest, it would certainly be useful to gauge interest. Are you thinking of entering? Any more information would also be appreciated.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on February 19, 2007, 09:18:26 AM
That's all good stuff to know! I included my cellphone number and email address in my letter to the manager, so not getting a reply at all (even just to say 'meh') was a bit of a surprise. I'm glad he has actually seen it. Obviously an in-person discussion would be good at this point, however I work 9-5 during the week and Saturday morning, so fitting it in could be a little tricky, and Tues morning is unfortunately not possible. If you have some way of passing this on that would be great.

The upcoming tournament also piques my interest, it would certainly be useful to gauge interest. Are you thinking of entering? Any more information would also be appreciated.

If you work Monday~Saturday 9am~5pm, then unfortunely you'll never be able to fit in an interview with the manager during his working hours, as he works Tuesday~Saturday 9am~5pm... unless you take a day off work. O.o...

Since you said you've included your Email address and cellphone number in your letter, I'll get him to give you some sort of reply via those two protocols on Tuesday (if he isn't being lazy or purposely forget it lol), then you guys can go from there. He'd most likely give you a call, however, as he is a ultra-slow typer (he still types with 2 fingers for all these years, believe it or not lol).

As for myself entering this upcoming tournament... to be honest I'm not really keen. Of all the past tournaments organised by Coin Cascade Ltd., non of them impressed me by even a slightest bit. I won't go through the details on here since it'd most likely end up being random personal rants lol... anyway, this year I think I'll just let it go, and focus something else in my life I guess.


Quote from: coldfire on February 19, 2007, 03:42:14 PM
As for myself entering this upcoming tournament... to be honest I'm not really keen. Of all the past tournaments organised by Coin Cascade Ltd., non of them impressed me by even a slightest bit. I won't go through the details on here since it'd most likely end up being random personal rants lol... anyway, this year I think I'll just let it go, and focus something else in my life I guess.

I've talked to the manager, and apparently the Coin Cascade-run tournament has been cancelled, repeat CANCELLED, so there will be NO national tournament run by the arcade operators.

However, we've decided to go ahead with a tournament either late March or early April. The format of the tournament is up to me, and I'm nutting out the details atm, trying to work out the best possible event given the parameters I have to work with. Obviously, as a player of fighting games, I know what I want out of a tourney, but I think a couple of concessions are going to have to be made.

I'm very interested in hearing what you think was wrong with previous tournies, because management has changed :D

Oh yeah, there will be prizes, likely in the form of TZ credit.

More info as details are resolved.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Well I've never been a Tekken player, but perhaps I need to learn, just so I can come enter the tourney and give you some support :D

I do have the game on PSP, just for the sake of getting a new PSP game, and it was cheap.

I really would like to see some sort of (semi) large-scale tournament, covering a variety of games (or at least Third Strike and #R, so I can enter :D), but I guess the possibilities of this are slim, at best.


Time to get out there and train some new blood ourselves, methinks :P


Quote from: Coddfish on February 28, 2007, 03:32:03 PM
Well I've never been a Tekken player, but perhaps I need to learn, just so I can come enter the tourney and give you some support :D

I really would like to see some sort of (semi) large-scale tournament, covering a variety of games (or at least Third Strike and #R, so I can enter :D), but I guess the possibilities of this are slim, at best.


Time to get out there and train some new blood ourselves, methinks :P

I'm not a tekken player either, but it seems the most sensible place to start. I can't really cast my sphere of influence outside of Hamilton, but if I actually get some response from this I'll be looking to branch out into other games (like ones I actually play! :D). There may also be some Hamilton vs Auckland events if things go really well :D

Getting new people into fighting games is pretty vital, but also very difficult, people just don't seem interested in them any more, which is sad.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

Quote from: fluxcore on February 28, 2007, 04:12:15 PM
Getting new people into fighting games is pretty vital, but also very difficult, people just don't seem interested in them any more, which is sad.

or they've had a bad experience with bastards who totally beast on them, despite being an obvious n00b and they never want to repeat the experience. or, they get scared away by the better players. ive seen it enough with marvel  ;D