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Started by [NIUE] Optimus DAVE, January 25, 2007, 08:56:03 AM

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samurai black

I'd try low tier teams if I had the game at home. But otherwise, it's a waste of money practising in yifans T__T
guile/ryu/ken is the only low tier I have T__T

that never stopped me. then again, i dont have alot of sense when it comes to money

i dont think ill be in yifans for the next few days im like broke as T.T
stupid yifans luring me in with its marvel goodness oh the pain ohh the pain.....

i am also ridiculously poor


Quote from: samurai black on June 01, 2007, 10:56:25 PM
that never stopped me. then again, i dont have alot of sense when it comes to money

Hehe, fair enough. But I'm not skilled enough to practise new teams and combo's against the computer, as their always moving. I need practise mode, and for them to be still like a statue (and even then I'll probably miss half the time T__T )
fighting game noob

samurai black

i use teams ive never used before at all against ioane, bill and ben, with varying degress of success.

my collosus/storm/tron did surprisingly well the first time i used it. not so much the following times o.O;


just like when i fought cheap guy in an msp mirror. :D
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: samurai black on June 01, 2007, 10:56:25 PM
I'd try low tier teams if I had the game at home. But otherwise, it's a waste of money practising in yifans T__T
guile/ryu/ken is the only low tier I have T__T

that never stopped me. then again, i dont have alot of sense when it comes to money

i dont think ill be in yifans for the next few days im like broke as T.T
stupid yifans luring me in with its marvel goodness oh the pain ohh the pain.....

i am also ridiculously poor

Yea u got da game at that i lend u u should play any1 u like hahahha  8)
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!


Yeah  i stick with my new Red Team Spiderman / Colosus / Ironman yes that's right RED TEAM. Da return of Spiderman. ;D ;D ;D

Till then i still practising my Team Charcoal...too weak until i get better... :-[ :-[ :-[
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!

samurai black

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

The New Generation Clockw0rk

samurai black

halp plz with rowtron. i iz teh suck.


Team Row (Mag, Cable, Sent-a) is actually not very hot a team, the only reason Row does well with it is because he's fucking good. The main flaw in it is a shitty anti-air in Cable - and if Cable is in, then he has no anti air to back him up, and no good ground projectile either.

If you can mix it up real good with Mag/Sent, then big damage comes your way, but if not you're just reduced to a cable that can be rushed down pretty hard... unless your cable is top notch like Row.

So I guess, work on your cable?

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

aww mang. i was thinking anyway, about that team. my mags is pretty pathetic, but im working on that.

im trying to figure the pros and cons of sent on projectile or on ground. sent on projectile gives me some serious damage with mags, but mine tends to die fairly quickly. my cable stays alive longer my magneto and is so much better when paired with the ground assist....

decisions :S

and ive been trying to work on my cable. reckless rushdown is always fun  ;D

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

Definately work on your cable for this team.

something that helped me when I first started this team was to treat Sent as kind of like a giant meat shield. Don't get too crazy with it, but just in case. It's not the best strategy to have, but at least its something.

One thing I like about Cable Anti Air is that when it hits it takes the other assist right off screen, leaving them assist-less for abit.

So that psy mashing magneto loses out on her for a little while, which should be enough for you to creep in.

Just from what I know from using my inconsistent version of this team.
The New Generation Clockw0rk


went in today got owned lol

Ryu, Capt America were okay jus my Cable sucked lol

got killed by his Sentinal, Storm lol

But today I did, lk, lk, rk ahvb that was cool

PSN: primofreak
Currently playing - Call of Duty Black Ops, Soul Calibur 4, MVC2


Technically Cable should do pretty well against Sent, since Sent is mainly flying around in the air and is a big fat robot - a nice big unblocking target for AHVBs!

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

cable's lp in the air is very handy.