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Shout outs!!

Started by stereomonkey, May 05, 2009, 10:25:21 AM

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jack is a dirty fucker, last ranbats he purposely dropped his combo then half a second later SHORYUKEN!!!!


bro its called mental guard breaking shinigins
The ways of Ken Masters  ;D

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Lol when we mic battle we mostly just take the piss outta each other haaha.

And yer wach that nigga's meter. He shouldn't be doin that to w.bison. I shall fuck him up next time on the realz.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Jack is scrub and needs to buy a mic so we can rage at him.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


lol.. Jack sounds like a mice on the mic :P
Fong on teh other hand sounds like he would tear u apart!!! hahaha xD

I think it runs in the Asian culture.. we don't use mic. :)
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


I'm pretty sure they have a mic, put the port stopped working when they dual modded their TE.


Speak for yourself...........


Huh? Does that even make sense?


I think Jack was talking to me lol.
mm getting all personal, just let it pass by :)
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Na man Jack is all biz bro,.... MONEY MATCH!!!

[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

alas , i know this is frowned upon but i just cannot sit by with out uttering the words of doom that are ....

MONEY MATCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "


Oh god, I can't even begin to fathom how amazing of a MONEY MATCH!!!!!!!!!!! that would be.


might be a good idea actually... lets see how bad I've gone since my lazyness hoho.
But let me find time to actually attend some of these events... thats the main problem ><
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


A new challenger has (re)entered the arena!!!!!

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero



Fixed my XBOX finally, only to find out that my live account has been banned.  Might have to make a new one which is very annoying considering how many games I had on that account.


NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero