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Big Bang Beat

Started by Kanae, June 21, 2009, 06:33:17 PM

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So I thought maybe some people would be interested in this game.
Its a 2D fighter made for the PC platform only (bleh)
But its surprisingly fun, the original release was glitchy and imbalanced but subsequent patches have remedied the situation. Good supers/specials/combos and such, nice sprites and animation (albeit a little low res)
Good system, power/super gauges. 6 buttons L,M,H attacks, taunt, charge and super gauge button (can be used for supers eg qcf+super or combo extensions eg l>m>h>super>l>m>h) blah blah blah, if you can buy *aherm* find yourself a copy you will enjoy even though its pc only yerp.

google or youtube search it.




The game, although fun, is too broken. The fighting system is a mess that can be easily exploited and all of the updates don't address the problems, actually worsening the gaming experience.


I heard that it was broken as well... And I did watch some match vids some years ago, and it didn't look that great...

And then there was that game with Nazis or something called Akatsuki somethingrather which had possibly the worst animation and graphics in a third party fighter that I've ever seen...
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA


Quote from: !DIABLO GTR! on June 23, 2009, 11:10:11 PMAnd then there was that game with Nazis or something called Akatsuki somethingrather which had possibly the worst animation and graphics in a third party fighter that I've ever seen...

Seriously? Akatsuki Blitzkampf has pretty good graphics, varied char design and a solid fight engine. Unless you choose BLITZTANK lolz


Cpt Munta and I had a crank at Akatsuki Blitzkampf (affectionately referred to as 'Jewpuncher'), it was ok I guess. Graphics were ok and the engine was kind of interesting, and yeah YOU CAN BE A TANK
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


I saw a match vid involving the tank...

And the guy using the tank won...

And then I was like...  ::)
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA