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Making a non-self booting custom music MVC2 disc from a selfbooting backup

Started by fluxcore, January 10, 2007, 02:27:12 PM

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Making a non-self booting custom music MVC2 disc from a selfbooting backup

By fluxcore (taken from http://fluxcore.technodump.com)

The process for doing this is remarkably easy, and I'm sure it would be possible to make the results of this into a self-booting disc using the echelon tutorial or similar (my burner can't burn these, so I can't test this out myself).

Things you need:

1) Selfbooting MVC2 backup
2) IP.BIN (http://fluxcore.technodump.com/mvc2/Ip.bin)
3) 1ST_READ.zip (http://fluxcore.technodump.com/mvc2/1ST_READ.zip)
4) Adxencd (http://fluxcore.technodump.com/mvc2/Adxencd.zip)
5) MP3s that you want to use as the soundtrack
6) An MP3 to WAV decoder... find one yourself. I use Sound Forge.
7) Nero CD burning software (you can probably use others, but this is the one I *know* works)

Setting up the disc to burn a non-self booter:

Copy all the files from the MVC2 CD into a new folder. The ADX___.BIN files are the music files you will be replacing, so you can delete them if you want (and are going to change *all* the audio... otherwise just leave them. You'll overwrite them later anyway).
Copy the Ip.bin file you downloaded into the main folder containing all the .bin files, and also unzip the 1ST_READ.zip into this main folder. These are the files which tell the boot loader how to load the disc, without them your disc will be a coaster. Just overwrite the files that already existed (if they did).

Choosing Music to Replace:

Here's the list of all the music ADXs and the stages they correspond to:
ADX_CAPL.BIN Capcom logo             
ADX_CONT.BIN Continue screen       
ADX_HERE.BIN New challanger       
ADX_MENU.BIN Menu screen             
ADX_OPEN.BIN Opening                     
ADX_OVER.BIN Game Over             
ADX_RANK.BIN Ranking                     

ADX_S000.BIN Top Deck stage       
ADX_S010.BIN Desert Stage             
ADX_S020.BIN Ship Dock Stage         
ADX_S030.BIN Carnival Stage             
ADX_S040.BIN Chinese Bridge Stage
ADX_S050.BIN Cave Stage                 
ADX_S060.BIN Clock Tower Stage     
ADX_S070.BIN River Stage

ADX_S080.BIN Abyss Pt1                   
ADX_S090.BIN Abyss Pt2                   
ADX_S0A0.BIN Abyss Pt3                   

ADX_S0B0.BIN Training Stage             

ADX_SELC.BIN Select screen         
ADX_STAF.BIN Ending                       
ADX_WINS.BIN Wins                       

You can replace as many of these as you wish, just choose some MP3s to replace the ones that you want. For the love of god, replace the character select music. You should also think about length of the song, you want short songs for things such as the capcom logo, here comes a new challenger, game over, etc... and long ones (or looped ones, I'll get to that later) for the training and char select screens. For the normal stage levels I'd say you want songs around 3 and a half minutes or longer. I've never heard the end of a song like this, but I guess if you were playing in normal speed or something (god forbid), you might run out. You can always loop these too if you want.

As for suggestions for music, I reckon the stages should be rock-y, guitar-based, fast songs with little short intros... they work really well for this game >_<. Vocals don't always come off so well though.

Converting the MP3s to ADXs:

First you need to convert the MP3s to WAVs using whatever program you want... this is pretty simple, if you just open the MP3 using some halfway decent audio editing program you'll be able to save the audio as .WAV. That'll do fine. If you use some other solution I'm sure it'll also work fine.

Then, unzip the Adxencd.zip into a new directory somewhere (not in the folder that you're using for the mvc2 disc files), and drag the .wavs into it.
Now you'll want to rename the songs to the corresponding ADXs that you want to replace (but with a .wav extension, still). Make sure the filenames are in ALL CAPS. E.G. for the Desert stage music, you'll rename the wav to ADX_S010.WAV.

Okay, now you need to run ADXENCD to convert the WAVs to ADX. Open a DOS prompt and navigate to the directory with the ADXENCD executable in it. Then, the command to convert the file is simply

>adxencd (wav filename)

This will convert the wav to the ADX, and output it to the filename with a .ADX extension.

For looping songs:

If you want the song to loop, take note of the line that is similar to the following:
ADX output sample : 9775872 smpl(Blk:9775872 smpl) = 221.0 sec <44100 Hz>
(I think the version I've put up is actually in japanese, but the 9775872 number is still readable, and that's the number you need to take note of).

You now need to re-encode the WAV to ADX with additional parameters:

>adxencd (wav filename) -lps0 -lpe(the number from the output sample line)

So for the sample above, it'd be "adxencd ADX_S010.WAV -lps0 -lpe9775872"

Rinse, Repeat:
Now, do the above two steps for all the other WAV files.

Finishing Up:

Finally, rename the .ADX files to .BIN, and then move them into the MVC2 directory that has all the original .BIN files. Overwrite anything that it complains about.


Open Nero, and make a new cd compilation using UDF/ISO (the last option in my Nero, using non-wizard mode). Note that this is NOT the default option (that is CD-ROM (ISO)). Leave the other settings as standard (iso level 1, mode 1). Label it whatever you like, I don't think it makes a difference.

Now, drag all the files from the MVC2 dir you made into the new compilation window. Hopefully it'll all fit onto the CD, otherwise... choose some smaller songs. Or...

Dummy file:

It's entirely possible that your copy has a dummy file. Should be called DUMMY000.something, these files are full of nothing, and are just used to push data further towards the outside of the disc. If your cd has too much data now, you can just replace this file with a smaller dummy file (there are tools for making your own dummy files), or do like I did and just make a new text file with nothing in it, save it overtop the dummy file, and be done.

Make sure you update the Nero file, so delete all the files in the compilation to be sure, and re-drag them from the mvc2 folder.

Now burn it! That's it!

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


TRUE? IMagneto da latest newbie very Interested keen want to know how 2 do.....
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!



Quote from: iMagneto on January 28, 2007, 11:58:52 PM
Very complicated.......:S:S help

What's the problem?

My ex flatmate made my custom music disc into a self-booter a while back, but I'm not exactly sure how he did it. I'll have to see if I can get him on here sometime.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on January 29, 2007, 04:14:58 PM
Quote from: iMagneto on January 28, 2007, 11:58:52 PM
Very complicated.......:S:S help

What's the problem?

My ex flatmate made my custom music disc into a self-booter a while back, but I'm not exactly sure how he did it. I'll have to see if I can get him on here sometime.


Ahhh, so you CAN make it selfbooting.  The copy I made a year or so again needed a booty disc.  Used some GGX Slash and lots of regurtator tracks from their singles.  Also to note, it took me a couple of times to do it (lots of coasters sitting around). anyway I used an LG cdrw if that helps?
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


just came across this a bit late

but has anyone made there own custom marvel colours disc
ive currently got the evo08 marvel mix which has 7-9 different colour mixes

spent a while looking for a new one so i could show my mate 'dat mango sentnaal' but it seems the evo one is the only one i can find

so io might make my own colours if i can be bothered


Man, I have no idea on how to do the colours.  Though check out this place for info on how to do it.


"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


They needed to add a feature like cvs2.  That would have been mean (and easy too)
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


So i started my own marvel colour mix
and gona put on a custom sound track

ive done 1 colour for about 6 characters
anybody have input on some custom colours they would like to see
and do you guys have any music suggestions

my ideas for music so far are

still dre tune looped for character select
shapeshifter - electric dream
grandmaster flash - the message

and by the way those links from heb are dead

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Whoa cool.

Ol Dirty Bastard- Like it raw'', is a good one.

Ohh baby I like it rawwwwww.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Hmmm, maybe I should have tried to download the SRK09 version before posting, lol.

Also, I have David Bowe - Lets dance instrumental for character select.  Some other tunes from plup fiction and reservoir dogs soundtracks plus a couple of orchestral music from Prince of Egypt and LOTR to give some stages that epicness :P

EDIT:  I never have enough music that I want to hear for the other tracks (ie Open, Continue etc.) and because im to lazy to find out what works.  Actually, my first disc had the Regurtators "sucked alot of cock" as the credits.  Looking back that seems weird, lol.
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Id love a Purple/black Anakaris, just so he matches purple storm/sonson.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

samurai black

you have to make a mango sentinel.

and i been listening to alot of lupe fiasco lately, so maybe go go gadget flow or the die  :)