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New Plymouth first starting out tournament need help

Started by baka101, August 22, 2009, 01:20:53 PM

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J Po

Awesome first effort at a Tournament by Mark Charteris.
6 Players entered for SF4 and 7 players for Tekken 6.

SF4 was played using first to 3 rounds best of 3.
Tekken was first to 4 rounds best of 3.

SF4 was won by me :) as Guile vs Jason Drakes' Sagat.
Tekken 6 won by Greg as Paul vs Jason D's Azuka Kazama.

Stay tuned for Naki SF4 Barfights - Coming to a pub in NP soon!
Shin-Shoryuken ;{D
Xbox Live Gamertag: Sifu Gouken



LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!


Thanks J Po

As J Po said it was a success this first tourney, the next one maybe in early December have to see.  I got to experience the tournament atmosphere and the hype was intense, thanks to Gino for the suggestion to use the foosball tournament 8,16 and 32 brackets they where perfect and easy to follow after he explained it all to me.

It was $5 each entry into the Streetfighter 4 and Tekken 6.  Being that many of us both competed in both games it was $10.  And winner takes all and they did take all they where hungry for the win which was great to see, there was money on the table but it was much more about this tourney than the money everyone was hungry for a great match and thats what they got.

But everything wasn't as perfect, Jason brought his camera and forgot this usb cord so no connection to PC was made.  I thought that Jason had left his camera at gregs place who we hosted tourney at, so I picked up a camera and was dropped home by lance with the other boys and Greg said that isn't Jason camera its his flatmate's and Jason said he already got his camera with him.  So its that simple to accidentally mix things up when there is alcohol involved and when you mad hyped after your first tourney.

So on Tuesday I got a txt from Greg to say that he was missing his Controller Charger for his wireless 360 controller, and said someone must of mistaken it as theirs so I txted the boys and none of them remembered taking one, it could of been misplaced by Greg, but he got salty about it and being he was nice enough to host it at his place etc I bought him one from Trademe for $30 I think it was.

So my question is how do keep track of all your gear and prevent things from being mistaken as theres, I thought of just bringing the mains bits like 2 controllers for ps3, tv screen or projector, powercord and multiplug, video cables, own arcade sticks, tekken 6 and streetfighter 4.  That way everyone knows who things are who and there is no mixing things up.

Because that was the only downer about this tourney and dont want something to happen at the naki barfights of a similar nature.

Now hosting a tourney at a bar, I wonder what kind of turnout you need for this tourney to be a financial and good player turnout.  Is 15 for a minimum ok, and how should you run a cash pot in a event like that, also with flyer's do I put a URL link on it pointing to the tournament rules you guys posted, I hope they could understand the rules being this is the first eva tournament in town of its kind.  Now what brands and models of tvs and projectors you guys use for tourneys I want to get away from that controller lag, even though me and J Po know of it, you cant convince people even when you give them whole articles on it, because I don't want in a tourney to suddenly have some calling controller lag and use that as a excuse and upset the tourney or create a crowd disruption.

Thanks guys

Hope to get your thoughts on all this
from arcade culture on Insomnia

Only the skilled may live -- the rest will die.


You gonna post here before the next tourney, rather than just GPforums? Because I'm strangely reluctant to help when there's no reciprocation.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: baka101 on November 19, 2009, 07:20:57 PM
So on Tuesday I got a txt from Greg to say that he was missing his Controller Charger for his wireless 360 controller, and said someone must of mistaken it as theirs so I txted the boys and none of them remembered taking one, it could of been misplaced by Greg, but he got salty about it and being he was nice enough to host it at his place etc I bought him one from Trademe for $30 I think it was.

So my question is how do keep track of all your gear and prevent things from being mistaken as theres, I thought of just bringing the mains bits like 2 controllers for ps3, tv screen or projector, powercord and multiplug, video cables, own arcade sticks, tekken 6 and streetfighter 4.  That way everyone knows who things are who and there is no mixing things up.

The first couple of nzism events Fluxcore was handy with a vivid. So name all your shit. I have my name on my Stick, Xbox HDD and Game.

Now what brands and models of tvs and projectors you guys use for tourneys I want to get away from that controller lag, even though me and J Po know of it, you cant convince people even when you give them whole articles on it, because I don't want in a tourney to suddenly have some calling controller lag and use that as a excuse and upset the tourney or create a crowd disruption.

Well, CRT tv's (usually) have 0 lage. So they are a safe bet. Otherwise most LCD tv's are fine (Samsung and Sony). Plasma tv's can be a bit hit/miss.


Apologies goes out to fluxcore and the other members of nzism, regarding my mock tourney it wasn't a tournament but a mock one that wasn't anything more than a bunch of my mates playing games with a "tournament" bracket so I could understand how it would run. The real tournament is to be held in december and that everyone is invited.

So please accept my apologies and know the next one is to be bigger.

from arcade culture on Insomnia

Only the skilled may live -- the rest will die.


Quote from: baka101 on November 19, 2009, 08:38:37 PM
Apologies goes out to fluxcore and the other members of nzism, regarding my mock tourney it wasn't a tournament but a mock one that wasn't anything more than a bunch of my mates playing games with a "tournament" bracket so I could understand how it would run. The real tournament is to be held in december and that everyone is invited.

So please accept my apologies and know the next one is to be bigger.

Well that's pretty cool. There's still a tourney coming up!


it reallly depends where you have your tournament, teh very first tournament we labelled our gears and put them near a staff member/ admin (me) lol while i was doing the brackets and such on the laptop Flux and Gino helped in calling out names for each match.

at our nationals we kind all put things onto the pool table... so valuable items we put them at teh front counter where we hosted the tournament (RVB) everyone was really nice as they all helped kee aneye on each others item and I can't stress out more that people lend their gears out and I will HATE to see someone losing their stuff so I always go around and check making sure things are ok and asking people to help keep an eye out as well. With 47 entrants xxx spectators you have to be really careful as you don't knwo what random walks in and runs off with you stick of console... oh and always name your gear as it will get confusing since people may have teh same stick (hori) or TE etc.

your next tournament is going to eb at a bar? if its a one day thing I am sure most of us will be keen :) you can charge entry fee depending on teh numbers you expect, always a good idea to have pre-registry so you know the numbers and then see how much u should charge. reason being is that tournaments should stay a minimum cost for the sake of the new blood :P
being said, you can have side bets and such while the tournament runs and even have events such as king of the hill blah blah so forth. Grudge matches are always the way to hype things up too :)
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Thanks Zosla about the stuff on not letting gear go walk abouts

Next tournament is going to be at a house its a prequel to barfights and yes its a one day thing I hope to run it in december early december, its same format as my last mock tourney but bigger just going over specifics about it, then gets you guys down to it.

I hope to get the mill barfights sorted for January, I will go much more into organising it in december due to exams concluding at end of november.  And yeh though about preregistering as i need numbers of people coming to see the feasiblility of this tourney and will work out a charge with the owner of the mill so she gets back something and have enough in the cash pot for the money prizes.  But need some of you guys to come down for this tourney in december so I can show you the state of newplymouth and show you exactly what i have been saying in my entire thread from the start and show you just where I want to host the barfights at and you guys can then give me critical feedback on whats needed and ways I can improve on my tournament running skills.

Yeh I would love some money matches with the mill barfights one, that would be great and you will have to explain in person more about grudge matches in december when you come down.  I need to figure out a good date in december to suit everyone.



from arcade culture on Insomnia

Only the skilled may live -- the rest will die.


Heya Mark,

Grats on getting a scene started up.  Couple of things for what it's worth.

You might want to think about giving more notice.  I generally try to give at least 2 months notice.  This lets you build hype, and gives people plenty of time to organise shit ready for the tourney.  Particularly if you want some of us to drive to NP and help/join in.

If youre trying to build hype, then having it at a house can be pretty hard to manage.  I dont know bout you but Im not cool with randoms turning up to my pad.  You cant be watching shit all the time.  ALso it can discourage new people from coming along as turning up to a strangers pad can be intimidating.

With regards other peoples shit going missing.  Make sure you get the right mindset going at the start.  Ask people to bring thier stuff but put the onus on them to look after their own shit.  Make sure you remind everyone at the start to look after other peoples shit and to respect other people and their gear.  At the end of the day people will bring gear, cause they will want the event to happen as much as everyone else.  Also, another useful item to bring are some labels and a marker pen.  Can help heaps.

This forum is a greeeeeeeeeeeeat resource for you to use.  Particularly with regards gettting people to log interest.  If you are making flyers, put this sites URL in, and link to a thread that you can make that is specifically for your tournaments registration.  This gives people a way to ask questions about the tourney, rib each other, and its also an easy way to get people into your community.   If you a rehell bent on doing the next tourney at your own house, then make sure you get people to use the forum, to help as an icebreaker before the tourney.

We have our own tourney happening on DEC 12 in auckland so am unsure whether any of us can make it to NP tbh for your december tourney.  Hope it goes well though.


NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Hey The Lenny

1st point - I only discovered this site a month ago I believe and wouldnt of known about this site if gootecks hadn't of put me in the right direction by getting me in touch with that sister site I think that australian one it starts with O, I cant remember.  I wouldn't of known about gootecks if I hadnt of watched I GOT NEXT which introduced me to the top players and what really is going on in the fighting scene. 

So hence my timing on tourneys, so I dont have time for months in advance being that I only got to know about I GOT NEXT and through that found this site and I dont know when I joined up on this forum. Plus I am a one man band organise the whole of new plymouth fight scene without a arcade with Tekken 6 and Streetfighter 4 so I have to find the players somehow because they aint in town because no arcade, so I get lucky and find friends who know people that the way that the first mock tourney I had came about and gave new plymouth a chance to see what a tourney was and compete in the same player level being each of other didnt know each others player level nor who would do well etc and even know each other to start off with.

And have to be at a house because organizing anything on a student allowance is impossible being that it is to run out soon.  And this tourney in December is a friend get together so nothing over the top maybe be like the one that J PO mentioned its simple but not over the top.

Only time I am going to do flyers is for serious stuff like the mill barfights in January and of course will have the url of this site and the rules url on it also, and yeh the tournament preregistration from you site.  And yep give New Plymouth players a way to ask questions etc on this and you guys of course.  But as I try to keep telling you Auckland guys is that its only until you come to New Plymouth you will see the state the fighting game community is in and how hard it is to find players and how hard it is for myself to organise everything so I am trying my best people.

Ok if you guys cant make it to ours we are still having our own tourney happening for new plymouth people and any other out of towners who might want to attend, so I have given any invitation out to you all so please dont flame me i admit i made a mistake last time I am totally new to tournaments and organising new plymouth is a crap job.



from arcade culture on Insomnia

Only the skilled may live -- the rest will die.


Turns out November is the month after August... I must've failed kindergarten
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Quote from: fluxcore on August 24, 2009, 08:06:07 PM
As for trying to find people, I guess the first thing to do is to post around places that are likely to get some nibbles that you're interested in running a tournament and for people to get in contact with you if they are interested. From that you can meet a couple of the people, play some games together, and generally just start small. Once you've met a couple of dudes I'm sure they'll know of other people or places that will generate more interest. Once you've got >8 people interested then just make a little tourney to test the waters. Put some money up or something to get a little interest in it.

Cool, sounds like you're taking my advice from Aug 24th, read the rest of this thread and you'll have no probs.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Shit im prety sure I didnt flame you sorry dude... Im just tryna help.

Sounds like you are tryna move mountains on your own a bit bro.  Of all the peeps that turned up to your first tourney you sure there isnt anyone to help you out?  Doing it yourself is just gonna make you bitter and annoyed, sharing the burden makes it better and lets you enjoy it more.  Also, make everyone put 2 dollars in, get some cheap sausages, some bread, and some sauce and make sure that you get everyone to hang out for a quick feed afterwards if you possibly can.  Youll be surprised how much that will tighten your group.

I have been to New Plymouth before, so I do understand that any scene you out together would be small, but I guess one advantage that you might have is that in a boring town like NP, at least if youre putting something on, chances are itll be the only thing on in all of town :-)  less likely to have to fight for other peeps.

Setting up tournements is always hard work no matter when or where you do it.  Everyplace has its unique issues that have to be dealt with.  Just keep chugging along and youll get there.  We have organised stuff here for the last year now, and everytime we do it we learn something new, and improve the next thing we organise.  Just keep building it slowly and make sure you dont burn your bridges and youll do fine.

Another thing to think about is that we will have Bar Fights NZ in around March, and our nats prob mid way through next year.  If you can get your guys to one of those, itt might open there eyes in a big way.  I swear to god bro, nothing motivates the peeps like 50 hardcore street fighter players in one room all oo'ing and ah'ing.  Might make your guys wanna level up to come and thrah some of us :)

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero