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Pre-release Super Street Fighter IV details

Started by iMagneto, September 20, 2009, 12:56:40 AM

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I know eventhubs is usually spot on, but Ono himself said "no arcade". . . so yeah, no yifans action for us.

That said, we are getting improvements to the Online system (at last) so it def makes up for it. I'd hate to think how we're supposed to deal with the non-arcade version if it were the same as the current SFIV online system, then the game would possibly not be worth it at all.

So, look at it this way: Vastly improved Online support and console only is a step up for most of us unlucky enough to work/live far away from Yifans etc. At least guys like Munta and the bros from welly will have as much exp as most of us on this new title.

It'll make for a good nationals mid next year too! :D


Why is everyone getting all shitty.  Just wait till the game comes out and then give your verdicts.  Also, if the fans can cry out for the Super edition I am sure they will cry out for a arcade version too (which will probably cost an arm and leg to purchase :P).

Come on guys, chill out and play some games till the release.

EDIT:  Actually Andy, wouldn't Giga/RVB be able to benefit from this if they advertised the right way about it...?  More spotlight for the business?
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Quote from: stereomonkey on September 30, 2009, 03:35:26 PM
Why is everyone getting all shitty.  Just wait till the game comes out and then give your verdicts.  Also, if the fans can cry out for the Super edition I am sure they will cry out for a arcade version too (which will probably cost an arm and leg to purchase :P).

Come on guys, chill out and play some games till the release.

EDIT:  Actually Andy, wouldn't Giga/RVB be able to benefit from this if they advertised the right way about it...?  More spotlight for the business?

THats giga/RvB's problem not mine lol. I am a SF fan and how Capcom has announce SSF4 is really disapointing. But whatever it is if they make Arcade/ PC version for SSF4 would be great, if they are not then I'll just stick with the normal SF4.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Oh well.  I just see it silly that you would avoid playing it simply because there is no arcade version.  Shall we just sit back and see what the impressions are from Japan and America? :)
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


I reckon Yifans will do some sort of cabnet arrangement for it, if we all complain like we are on these forums...they'll cave at some point... ;)

RVB will take advantage of this being a console only release and set up a few machines if they're smart.  :D

I'm going to take the positives so far that the online play/ blancing will improove...new characters are a bonus and I'm sure the play system will develop dramatically....two Ultras two choose from....hmmmmm  ;D
"You'll never survive in the jungle"......


Wouldn't it be quite hard to do a proper cab arrangement for a PS3/Xbox?
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Quote from: Smoof on September 30, 2009, 04:02:19 PM
Wouldn't it be quite hard to do a proper cab arrangement for a PS3/Xbox?

That's a technical question I'm not qualified to answer I'm afraid :-[ They used to do Dreamcasts and other consoles...I think...I'm sure there is a way

I'm also the mind that fan pressure may change Capcoms mind, we now have SSFIV on it's way thanks to fan pressure...if they are checking fan feedback like they say they are maybe they will release an arcade version.....it just seems weird only to have a console release...every other street fighter before it has had an arcade release...
"You'll never survive in the jungle"......


Quote from: DVS on September 30, 2009, 04:10:57 PM
Quote from: Smoof on September 30, 2009, 04:02:19 PM
Wouldn't it be quite hard to do a proper cab arrangement for a PS3/Xbox?

That's a technical question I'm not qualified to answer I'm afraid :-[ They used to do Dreamcasts and other consoles...I think...I'm sure there is a way

I'm also the mind that fan pressure may change Capcoms mind, we now have SSFIV on it's way thanks to fan pressure...if they are checking fan feedback like they say they are maybe they will release an arcade version.....it just seems weird only to have a console release...every other street fighter before it has had an arcade release...

The TVC machine had a wii inside it running the arcade board, but that still doesnt solve the problem of running the game should an arcade board not actually exist.

But yea, no arcade release is fucking ridiculous.

Its like shooting yourself in the foot with a nuclear-powered rifle that shoots genetically enhanced chainsaws. Fucking Retards.

Quote from: stereomonkey on September 30, 2009, 03:54:26 PM
Oh well.  I just see it silly that you would avoid playing it simply because there is no arcade version.  Shall we just sit back and see what the impressions are from Japan and America? :)

Its a stupid idea, because 99% of Japans SF4 gameplay is arcade based. As is a good deal of the US's. Most asian countries (ie. Korea etc) SF4 community is also arcade based. They alienate a HUGE portion of their fanbase with this move, including ALL the japanese players we know and love.

You then cant playtest it in Japan because you DONT have an audience at a level that is worth playtesting against.Because such a massive chunk of the community gets ignored, you end up with even MORE potential balance issues.


Im sure it will turn out to be fun, and potentially still 'better' than SF4. But it quite simply WILL NOT be as successful as SF4, given that they end up leaving places like Japan with players who simply DO NOT PLAY THE GAME because its not in the arcade. Thats not the players choice either. Arcades in Japan/asia are cemented into the cuture of the youth/young adults.

Theyre not going to sit there and say 'but the new version is on console, lets play that instead of coming to our local hangout'

If McDonalds said you could only get frozen coke at a particular store, that doesnt mean people are going to stop going to McDonalds. It means that that one store has an added extra compared to regular McDonalds stores, but its not going to convince people to go there over their 'regular' McDonalds.

Its just plain stupid for them not to release SSF4 at the arcade. End of story.

Sorry for

b)Shitty Metaphor
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: ILL_BILL on September 30, 2009, 04:16:16 PM
Its like shooting yourself in the foot with a nuclear-powered rifle that shoots genetically enhanced chainsaws

With sharp teeth
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


Well, no-one else will play SF4... I certainly won't, and I won't be running tournaments for SF4 either.

also, I would say a tiny minority of players in the US play on arcade. I think they only have about 12 machines in the entire country...
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Maybe it's a top secret hype disguiser and when we get it in arcades like two months before scheduled console release you'll hear a worldwide yell of THE DAMAGERRRRRRRRR
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Quote from: fluxcore on September 30, 2009, 05:08:34 PM
Well, no-one else will play SF4... I certainly won't, and I won't be running tournaments for SF4 either.

also, I would say a tiny minority of players in the US play on arcade. I think they only have about 12 machines in the entire country...

Point conceeded on the US scene.

I dont expect you to be running tournaments for SF4. But (in a local example) for those of us that own the game at home, and specifically go to yifans for SF4 comp, when SSF4 drops, we have an ultimatum.

1)Do we devote time and effort to the new one, and not go to yifans? Or
2)Do we boycott the new one, and continue hammering out the old version at yifans?

Hypothetically, yes to question one means we lose the competition at yifans. Which imo is the most fun part. Admittedly, if the online in SSF4 isnt a screeching lag-fest, then my opinion on this could change. But this ends up cutting a huge fun-factor out of it for a solid proportion of people. But odds are, this would be the most likely option.

Yes to question 2 is highly unlikely. But the player in this scenario still enjoys the arcade experience. However, ultimately, most people wouldve answered yes to question 1, meaning the arcade competition would be bone dry anyway.

Lets say someone decides to take the peaceful route, and do both. Eventually, this person would realise that the arcade scene was dying, and would stop bothering with the old version, and ultimately end up being a console warrior. (Not a bad thing. do not associate with term: 'pad warrior')

Ultimately the arcade scene dies. (in a nutshell.)

But then lets look at Japan. The arcade scene in japan simply WILL NOT die. The players WILL NOT migrate to console. Yes some (read: a fucking hell of a lot) will be playing the new version, but the core players, and the significant majority will still be at the arcades. Which again, leaves THESE players, with some questions.

1) SF4 is now kind of obsolete. Should i play on console?
2) SF4 is now kind of obsolete. Should i play something else?
3) SF4 is now kind of obsolete. Meh, might as well keep playing.

Question 1. Aint gonna happen in japan. a couple will, im sure, but for the most part, it might as well be discounted.

Question 2. Possibly. But at any rate, theres nothing that really appeals enough to pull people off of SF4, besides maybe Blazblue.

Question 3. Look at KOF, MVC2, ST. Old, obsolete, but still played to death. Since the arcade scene wont have SSF4, odds are this will still happen. But it means internationally, players will be playing 2 different games. Like you say, it becomes pointless to run a SF4 competition, so those that would still be playing primarily in arcades end up at an extreme disadvantage. Even moreso than now, (Arturo beating daigo with seth etc) since balance changes will reshape the gameplay.

Obviously this is hypothetical, and at some point real life will end up a mish-mash of all of these examples anyway. But im hoping you get the point im trying to make. Arcade release alienates a large audience. Particularly Japan, which is stupid, given that they are the strongest nation in the world in terms of street fighter.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


And lets get one thing straight right now.

I will be playing SSF4. I will NOT be playing SF4. (re. Local question 1)

I will still go to yifans. But ill be there playing marvel. (re. Japan question 2)

We're lucky enough to have more console competition anyway, so its stupid for any NZ'er to boycott SSF4. Its Ok to be mad though. No arcade release still takes away a large part of the fun for a lot of us. And i dont imagine we (arcade goers) will be nearly as into it as SF4.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Maybe this would be good for the comunitty?  More Street Fighter House parties? ;D

And most likely an arcade version will come out.  Not straight away but someday it will.
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


You guys ended up going to GIGA to play SF4 anyway, what's the difference? Just set up shop there and play SSF4, make it your new Yifan's.

The only ppl that get really shafted here are the Japanese, which seems a bit strange for Capcom. I can only assume the cost of updating the arcades is prohibitive and not worthwhile.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness