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[Central/East Auckland] Team sorting for upcoming BarFights

Started by Gankatron, November 11, 2009, 10:51:48 AM

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meh, neva played HD remix...

been to busy with stuff of late that I only get some lag practice online -.-
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.

samurai black

please tell me this still a goer this weekend.

ive missed the last two jams at graemes and lennys


fong posted a page or two back that this weekend and the ranking battle were still all a go  ???


I can't come this weekend, gutted. Have fun peeps.

I have to go and buy a new comp on Saturday. I have work to do and I blew my computer up last weekend, well enough of it that I need to get most of a computer really quickly :'(
KOW 2011

samurai black

bro, stop downloading ultra porn. its the leading cause of computer explosions


when do we have the ranking battle for the upcoming barfight again ?? 23rd of Feb ? Are we gonna do it at Yifans/giga?


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on February 10, 2010, 11:23:06 PM
when do we have the ranking battle for the upcoming barfight again ?? 23rd of Feb ? Are we gonna do it at Yifans/giga?

Ranbats are gonna be at fongs place.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


dates are in the original post, there is a training session this weekend (13th) then the ranbats on the 27th.


Definitely still on boys! This Saturday 12pm to whenever.

Again, bring whatever you want fired up on the barbe or we can make a dash to Countdown and everyone chips in.

See you guys den.


Sup fong havent been playing sf4 or xbox at that lol, but im coming bro been biz.e wit my new born n stuff, getting back into that sf4 biz, jammed at lennys last sat was badd.

I wud bring my 360 n shit but after I gave it to my brother it got e74(ed) lol so microsofts fixing dat mud az console. got my stick tho and money for chip ins. c yuu satz boiz.


Jay,.. All good brah welcome to my world! Just make sure you dont play any SF4 in front of your kid otherwise you ll have a similar problem like me,... The little rotter crawls straight to the TE stick when you put him down! :-\

Also to everyone else:

Me and Jack will be trialling out the Tournament maker and will run a test Ranbats this Saturday. So instead of mindlessly grinding we can get our game faces on and let everyone thats gonna come to the official Barfights Ranbats a taste of how it'll work.

Lastly: Once again i'll need 2 x volunteers to bring 2 x extra setups+sticks and if someone can bring a spare TV that'll be awesome.


I can definitely bring xbox, games and TE. Can't bring my monitor this time, but if you want I can bring a 14" CRT lol. It's no hassle to bring but people probably won't like the size.


Hmmm, if Gino is going up then I'll catch a ride with him and if not I guess I will have to see you guys next time  :-\
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


I can bring a 360 TE stick but probably not my xbox/tv this time, think the GF is planning on watching movies while I'm out!


Ill be bringing my Wii and TVC!  Also need peeps to bring PS2 sticks cause one of mine is bung! PEACE!

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero