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Street Fighter IV matchup thread.

Started by CrazyMobius, December 14, 2009, 03:37:27 PM

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I thought it would be nice to have a thread that people could ask questions about certain matchups they may have trouble with and peeps could share their knowledge on how to deal with said matchups. If isn't popular will fade into obscurity.


Quote from: CrazyMobius on December 14, 2009, 03:37:27 PM
I thought it would be nice to have a thread that people could ask questions about certain matchups they may have trouble with and peeps could share their knowledge on how to deal with said matchups. If isn't popular will fade into obscurity.

Sweet as. I'm Happy to give advice for people looking for help playing (or versus) Viper or Claw (Or a few others too)

Can I start the ball rolling:

The Viper vs Boxer match up. Anyone got any advice? 


What's the hardest part about that matchup btw?


Wow, where would you start?

about the only advantage would be that boxer is kinda ass against crossups.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

[NIUE] weazzyefff

OMG ask me anything. * gets ready to link SRK forums *

They have nothing in the Tiger construction (Sagat matchups) thread for Akuma. So i read Akuma's one and theyre pretty much all grouping up pointing and laughing at us Sagat players, bastards.

Gimme Viper vs Sagat tips, I'm good against other Vipers, I preety much get raped till a have ultra then random/semi setup FADC Ultra for lol amounts of dmg. Mash is my enemy in this match, due to stun like a bitch. You probably wont tell me anything that i dont allready know. Oh yeah I just remembered tk/kara tk owns her lol. Is JHP the best AA? Or FHK, i get stuffed heaps outta FHK though I dunno. Sagats pretty hard to play tbh, and I promised him i'd stop switching back to easier chars. And take the losses like a man.

So yea, Viper and Akuma are meanies. Even though I still beat them. I just wana see if ya's can tell me something new, so yeah, enlighten me please.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!



Viper vs Boxer:

Flux: due to his retarded hitbox (Esp while ducking) you can't cross him up with your usual jump ins, which is one reason why this match is one of the toughest for Viper. 

The hardest part is building and maintaining pressure in the match, boxer's c.lp beats everything you've got at close range, and only succumbs to lp.tk at sweep range, at which point boxer's c.hk beats it clean. There's no *sweet spot* that I've found on the ground versus boxer, unlike other charge characters like Honda/Banka/Dictator, you can't hover in that sweep zone and play mix ups, as all boxer has to do is c.lp and he's free. His j.hp and j.hk at best trade with your AA hp.tk, so the game becomes this weird dance of trying to pin him down, but not get too friendly (basically just trying to bait Headbutts or overheads so you can retaliate), and trying to score a knockdown to safe jump in, or go j.lk.bk ontop of him to keep a little pressure on.

It's not unwinable by any means, the biggest problems I have is keeping momentum once I get a hit in, and getting that hit in in the first place.

Viper vs Sagat:

I may need more info on what you're having trouble with, I believe you're haviing trouble with Hhyphen's Viper, which plays a little different than mine, so I'll try to talk as generically as I can.
This is a fairly even match IMO Weazzy, Had about 15 games vs Jacks Sagat yesterday, and we've been playing pretty much everyday so I can say the hardest thing for Sagat is an unpredictable Viper. When I played my usual Pressure game I got owned by Him, I found when I started really mixing up the Bk's and tk's it worked alot better. But anyway, for Sagat: Yes Kara Tiger Knee is good, in fact continued Tiger knee pressure strings are pretty much the BnB's in the match for you. J.mp (Smoof elbow) is your best jump-in, easily trades with the best timed AA knuckle I've got. Hmmm, can't really think of anything else besides the match gets sooooo much easier for you once you've got 2 stock and an ultra. Stupid really, as you build meter piss easy with all your shit with very little risk, and once you've got your Stock/Ultra you can play no-brain mode and happily mash at anything I throw at you in effort to TU FADC Ultra or a variation in this. Yay.   I guess I know that Jack knows how to keep you being predictable, his spacing and the opportunities he takes are really tight, probably the tightest Sagat I've played. Very little error (Not that It matters for Sagat) means very very little opportunity for Viper to grab momentum.

Anyways, Always happy to battle you to get you more comfortable with the match up whenever bro, don't ignore those invites, yeah? :D


Fuerte vs Dhalsim.

Seems to be all about turtling up and waiting for him to teleport. But turtling is lame.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: ILL_BILL on December 15, 2009, 10:16:20 AM
Fuerte vs Dhalsim.

Seems to be all about turtling up and waiting for him to teleport. But turtling is lame.

When I'm Sim I feel pressured by the wakeup game. But I know you don't like doing that.


Quote from: CrazyMobius on December 15, 2009, 11:34:53 AM
Quote from: ILL_BILL on December 15, 2009, 10:16:20 AM
Fuerte vs Dhalsim.

Seems to be all about turtling up and waiting for him to teleport. But turtling is lame.

When I'm Sim I feel pressured by the wakeup game. But I know you don't like doing that.

Really? But the teleport basically makes it void. The only exception being if im able to guess which way youre teleporting, and that kind of comes back to the whole 'wait until he teleports' thing.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

True James. BTW lp tk under knee Ultra's a good wake up call for knee trap happy Sagats ( what are you's all looking at?, bastards ).

I've lost to Hyphen like 2 times, hes easy, his Vipers like mine ( Not a bad thing lol). I've realised you were probably joking about the Ignoring Invites thing, even though i equally hate you's I still man up take a big swig of beer slap my self in the face and read my reasuring , confidence bootsing lines i have que carded. *looks down at card* ''YOu are doing well'' *looks back at screen* '' Perfect!!! WTF!!! RAHH! '' You and Brodsta  are the only dudes I dont wana play when i'm stoned though , Viper zipps cross the screen, by the time my pupils slowly follow, she's on the other side again, you need to get blazed to sorta rebalance that out.  

I'm on hopspital drugs after my surgery, and i'm not even sure what i'm on about anymore.......my arm hurrrtss......i wish I could play sf4 now.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!

samurai black

i might get something useful outta this.

whos got some protips for chun vs rufus? stu divekicked my face off on saturday, and i had no real response to that :S


Fuck, i forgot about this thread. Im having a Fuerte/vega match discussion in the friggin SSFV new info thread.

Im gonna go ahead and continue it here once someone answers richards question.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: ILL_BILL on December 15, 2009, 02:52:25 PM
Quote from: CrazyMobius on December 15, 2009, 11:34:53 AM
Quote from: ILL_BILL on December 15, 2009, 10:16:20 AM
Fuerte vs Dhalsim.

Seems to be all about turtling up and waiting for him to teleport. But turtling is lame.

When I'm Sim I feel pressured by the wakeup game. But I know you don't like doing that.

Really? But the teleport basically makes it void. The only exception being if im able to guess which way youre teleporting, and that kind of comes back to the whole 'wait until he teleports' thing.

Go into training mode with sim and muck around with his teleports.  they are pretty shit and once you have them down you can guess him out easily.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Bill, you do know wall dives can be focus attacked then either free combo or throw depending on which side aye. Bait the flip, slide. Bait a jump in with a few walk up run backs. EX run back splash > Vegas pokes.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: weazzyefff on January 18, 2010, 06:26:50 PM
Bill, you do know wall dives can be focus attacked then either free combo or throw depending on which side aye. Bait the flip, slide. Bait a jump in with a few walk up run backs. EX run back splash > Vegas pokes.

Vegas wall dives are pretty shit as weazy said.  Most charcters can just square jump and hit him out of them. When I was playing against James's Vega eons ago I would just square jump roundhouse or air throw them.

I consider Vega as fuertes second hardest match, after akuma, on about a par with boxer.  Vega is annoying cause he has loads of options to escape mixups, great pokes to keep fuerte out, and a great long reaching focus.  I think even Kai mentions it in SRK that Vega is a real annoying match for the mexican.

Honestly, I think you have to play it really defensively.  Run away alot and dont even bother going in for an attack until you have built up 2 bars to ex.  Try and get damage early by EX running through his pokes and grounding him.  Then dont get all runny with grounded mix ups.  Just run next to his corpse and almost meaty cr. forward him.  That way if he flips back you can punish, and if he flip kicks you should be able to block before it hits.  Do this a couple of times or three and youll encourage vega to stop "flipping" out of your wake up games and you can get more crafty.  Just watch for the tech throw.  Once you get the initial damge proceed to time him out and run away.

Be careful on focussing the wall dives cause he can just grab you straight out of it and izuna drop, or worse super izuna drop you. 

After you start running away most vegas are gonna start trying to do the move where vega bounces off the wall and stabs you, so when you see him charging across the screen stay crouching cause his stabs off the wall go straight over fuerte.

Dont use DP+k to escape his wakeup games.  It will get you stabbed alot.  Just block and guess the tick throw where applicable.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero