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Your main character in sf4

Started by [NIUE]iRONSoL, July 01, 2010, 12:02:24 PM

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I've liked akuma since I was 5 or 6 when it was either XvSF, A1 or A2. I just remember the raging demon being the coolest thing I'd ever seen and when I got a cat at the time I forced my parents to name it Akuma. Akuma now just sits next to me while I play super.


Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Haha Street Fighter 1 was still a few years away when I was 5 or 6 :o
I was 11 by the time SF1 came out, Akuma was years away.
KOW 2011

samurai black

i just play chun because i like dem legs :D


"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Rose, Claw, Viper.

Rose atm.

Claw since vanilla.

Viper coz she sexy.



Trying to main Juri, she's the most fun to play for me, and when I win I feel I've earned it by being either technical or tricky.
Blanka is also netting me more wins at the mo, I love his annoying mixups and rediculous damage dealing.

but then I usually resort back to Ken, mostly because I'm so familiar with him that I feel I can adapt on the fly.
I'm not one of these players that can be competent with a character affter a few days.
I need months to get the moves/strategies ingrained in my knuckles.

The motherfucken answer lies in the heart of motherfucken battle!


Gouki and Sagat but they not cheap enough anymore. So i dun know who to use.


Quote from: JackSmash on July 01, 2010, 04:17:50 PM
Gouki and Sagat but they not cheap enough anymore. So i dun know who to use.

Rufus + U2 ? lol
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


Quote from: JackSmash on July 01, 2010, 04:17:50 PM
Gouki and Sagat but they not cheap enough anymore. So i dun know who to use.
dont copy me bitch har har har
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


akuma coz I can do h.dp fadc h.dp fadc h.dp chip to death ftw.


I main Viper now coz many people said Ryu is retardly easy to use and Viper is the hardest character to use. And easy character to use seems to have higher winning chance.
I tried to explain that it doesn't work like that and tier list does matter at highest level but at our level it doesn't effect as much as we think and all I've got was a "NO NO".
So I've decided to use Viper to prove my words and secondary, to BBQ all the haters.


lol, whatever motivates you

pretty sure people would be more impressed by, I dunno... say... Hakan though
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


SF4 main: Blanka. Backups: Ryu, zangief, akuma
Thinking about picking up makoto though

