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Season's Beatings V Redemption live stream

Started by fluxcore, October 16, 2010, 02:08:35 PM

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Nice one Justin
"Oh shit, I lost, better change character"
*win a game*
*lose a game*
"Oh shit, I lost, better change character"......

(Whole tournament later)


[NIUE] weazzyefff

Fuck Gamer bee is a fucking gangsta nigga. So is Momochi , but he shouldn't of went Akuma. Stupid gf, and stupid crowd.

Was epic azz
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Yes he should have stuck with Akuma. ZOMG that was awesome when he changed and got a GOUKI chant.

Shoutouts to ambiguous crossups which don't look ambiguous and then somehow end up on the side that it appears to be going on.


This was absolutely hands down the best tourney I have ever seen.  So much hype, and so many great clutch matches.  I'm really glad I took today off to watch this as it was well worth it.

MVC2 tournament was so insane.  I swear to god I was rock hard the whole time.  Yipes and Chris Schmidt were asploding everyone.  Executioner was mad to watch as well.  And of course Sanford and JWong were rad too.  But omfg Yipes was doing some of the most crazy as hell shit ever, his reactions are retarded.  Only downfall was the fail joysticks they were using causing Blue screens but shit was mad hype, and I swear to god Yipes must have OCV'ed at least once in every set he had.

SSFIV was pretty rad.  Marn is now the Hero of the U.S.  I fucking love watching his balls to the wall play in SSFIV.  In all honestly it's probably not the most well-though out and effective over the long-term strategy, but dear god is it hella entertaining.  Fucking meatie Ultra 1 FTMFW YO!!! Hahahaha!

Gamerbee is a rushdown monster.  I swear to god he must jump-in at least 20 times a round lol, he looked fucking scary to play against.  Kinda like when you play against scrubs that mash dragon all the time so you're too scared to attack too much, except that instead of being a scrub he's a fucking beast.  Totally deserved to win it imo.

Momochi was stylin all day with Ken.  I really enjoyed watching him.

Wong played his usual solid game and basically had pretty badass footsie work.  I reckon he should just start maining Boxer from now on.  Suits his playstyle real well IMO.  His Mak was pretty cool though.  Had a couple of mad comebacks.

MarlinPIE fucking held it down for Cammy player's.  Dude was a fucking rushdown beast!  He got inside peoples heads something chronic and made them scared to do shit.

Man... so goddamn epic.  Waaaay better than evo, and I thought evo this year was really good as well.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Yeah I agree, very very good stream/tourney - probably better than Evo. Very sad I missed watching most of it today (especially guilty gear) though :(
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Wong playing makoto against gamerbee was awesome.
Josh360 and his one touch IronMan, shit. That was crazy!
And the stream, not dropping out. That made my day.

And now I'm 3 days behind studying. Worth it!


Caught a little bit today. Even the not so big players were fun to watch.

Gamerbee was very impressive. He knows his spacing really well. Kept punishing stuff crazy styles!

Sad I missed
Marn vs Daigo
Wong vs Gamerbee revenge

Caught the final though.

Momochi's Ken is really fun to watch. Awesome! Hype as hell. This year is the year of upsets. Really cool that the fighting game comeback is shaking up tourney results :)
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Fuck Wong had shit Boxer imo. Getting FB'd on all day with full Ultra. Random jump ins getting dp'd like a bitch lol.

I am gay for Gamerbee as he juumps so much like me hahaha. I wish i could rushdown that much online without getting random dp'd by scrubby shoto's.

Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: [NYC] weazzyefff on October 18, 2010, 09:17:14 PM
Fuck Wong had shit Boxer imo. Getting FB'd on all day with full Ultra. Random jump ins getting dp'd like a bitch lol.

I thought that he wasn't ultra'ing through them cause of FADC backdash making fireball safe against it?  Or am I imagining it?

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Oooo Yes:

Wong got peaced out by Gamerbee eventually though. The Mak attack was stuffed.

But also Yes:

Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Whoa that first Ultra was eatass as fuck. But he coulda been buffering that second one, you Daigo done fucked up right? You know that don't you.

Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


The first Ultra was Marn predicting Daigo backdashing on wakeup by the looks of it.  Daigo seems to be doing alot of that in that match up to that point, and I think it was a read on Marn's part.  Pretty big fucking risk though lol.  He basically bet the whole match on a 50/50 which was alot less of a 50/50 and more like a 20/80 lol.

Man so goddamn hype.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Well Marn landed 3 or 4 Ultras on him in the whole match and none of them failed. And they mostly seemed gimmicky, but they all worked. Epic yomis :D


Like marn is known for playing so conservatively.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Marn is like BIRRY WONG, but fat and good at street fighter.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.