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Street Fighter 4

Started by fluxcore, October 18, 2007, 07:54:23 AM

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Hey, if someone makes a dick post, they get a dick reply, that's my admin prerogative.

TBH I don't dislike it THAT much, I just get sick of seeing people that only play 3s make dumb comments about other games.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: Toomeke on August 27, 2009, 06:02:58 PM

I don't want to offend anybody but it sounds like a lot of people don't understand the games that they don't like. Sure option select parries and the like may be a little too strong but parry in itself is not strong. It's simply another part of the guessing game.

3s is a very offensive game. Watch any Dudley video and you will see that a round can easily end within 10 seconds.

And why is game speed such a huge factor to everyone? Is SFIV that slow that you can see through all the mixups, tech all the throw attempts, anti air every jumpin, punish every whiffed limb and so on. Get stuck in a Ryu or even worse Akuma 'vortex' and you will be hoping that the game was slower. Its almost like people don't want the time to think about what the other person is trying to do and would rather just eat mixups until there random guess hits and then proceed to mixup the other person. Almost all of the best players in New Zealand play an offensive style of SFIV. The only exceptions would be Andy, Richard and to a smaller extent me (I'll rush down if I'm in the right frame of mind).

Thought about the guard bar thing Leo and I really don't think it would work very well. Some characters would absolutely rape gaurd bars while others wouldn't be able to do jack shit. Basically the top tier would get even stronger.


Word man. At least there's some people that can see the benefits in every game. There's enough games to go around. If you don't like it, don't play it. Sure a critique or review here or there about downfalls isn't gonna hurt but just plain saying a game sucks is just dumb. It's only gonna aggravate the peeps that do like it.


Quote from: Toomeke on August 27, 2009, 06:02:58 PMAnd why is game speed such a huge factor to everyone? Is SFIV that slow that you can see through all the mixups, tech all the throw attempts, anti air every jumpin, punish every whiffed limb and so on. Get stuck in a Ryu or even worse Akuma 'vortex' and you will be hoping that the game was slower. Its almost like people don't want the time to think about what the other person is trying to do and would rather just eat mixups until there random guess hits and then proceed to mixup the other person. Almost all of the best players in New Zealand play an offensive style of SFIV. The only exceptions would be Andy, Richard and to a smaller extent me (I'll rush down if I'm in the right frame of mind).

Thought about the guard bar thing Leo and I really don't think it would work very well. Some characters would absolutely rape gaurd bars while others wouldn't be able to do jack shit. Basically the top tier would get even stronger.


This, ^

We all still love SF4 right? we still get off on match vids that are fun to watch, it can't be that we are still playing it because it's new.  ;) We had a awesome tournament with people pulling out crazy tricks and antics that I'd never seen before. Just kidding I know you all at lease like the game.

I'll say it, that Street Fighter 4 is my favorite Street Fighter game so far. I whinge a bit about input windows Ultras and the blocking. But I'm still really am loving it.

I hope it's not just because of the flashy visuals and cos it the "in" game right now. I really love playing as all the characters and how each of them feels different from other versions of their character (Probably why I love random select so much) I love focus attacks and focus canceling, even Ultras with their issues.

You guys are right, we discussing preference. Like i said I like a meat and potatoes fighter.  MvC2 I like, but not as much cos' I don't understand it and seems all to fast and confusing to me. BB will take a while for me to acquire a taste for as it's got so many tricks and bells and whistles to it.  Seems like each character you could almost build a fighting game around their "engine"

I'm just so glad SF4s helped kick to start a scene with other old schoolers (even noobs) so we can explore all these older games again.

Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


Quote from: CrazyMobius on August 27, 2009, 08:02:16 PM
Word man. At least there's some people that can see the benefits in every game. There's enough games to go around. If you don't like it, don't play it. Sure a critique or review here or there about downfalls isn't gonna hurt but just plain saying a game sucks is just dumb. It's only gonna aggravate the peeps that do like it.

No shit, almost as if that's what I was going for or something.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on August 27, 2009, 07:57:30 PM
Hey, if someone makes a dick post, they get a dick reply, that's my admin prerogative.

TBH I don't dislike it THAT much, I just get sick of seeing people that only play 3s make dumb comments about other games.
I think I'm allowed to drop a note when a thread is getting derailed by communal whinging.
And FYI I don't just play 3S, and feel free to quote my dumb comments about any game.


A street fighter iv thread being derailed by... street fighter iv discussion?
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Even you have to admit it was getting pretty whingy.


Quote from: fluxcore on August 27, 2009, 07:36:50 PM
As for the speed in SFIV, there are two things which annoy me in fighting games. Longass combos that you get bored waiting around for (GGXXAC, BlazBlue, MvC2 are all very guilty of this), or games which reward runaway or turtling far too much.

Yeah thats a fair call.
The games that play faster tend to be combo heavy which is counter to the fast pace back and forth poke style I also like.
There is no perfect game for me and there never could be as the things I like are often in opposition.
e.g In BB's case I love the speed & cool combo's - yet its the combo system which will ultimately be my undoing as I will never master the longer more damaging strings that opponents have. Means I need twice as many openenings on them as they do on me. So I often wonder what it would be like with shorter combo's and more pokey play (maybe not as fun - hard to know). But the asthetics, character design, story etc have me hooked.

Anyway with all thats been said I still like/enjoy SF4 I would not be on this forum if otherwise. Because we enjoy SF (the franchise) we all have our own hopes & tweaks we would love to see to make it better but as always whats better for me may not be better for you.

Capcom have a hard time trying to satisfy such a large audience.

Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Yep, they certainly do. SFIV is a really good attempt for a new series, too.

As for your 'perfect game', for me I think that's pretty much just ST :)
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

Quote from: Smoof on August 27, 2009, 07:30:26 PM
You just say that cause my Strawberry ice cream owns that chocolate one you have.

i had beer and popcorn flavour ice cream earlier. i win.


Quote from: samurai black on August 27, 2009, 10:09:32 PM

i had beer and popcorn flavour ice cream earlier. i win.

i once had beer and cheese burgers blended into a drink

... it was awful


QuoteThe one MAJOR thing that pissses me off is how people can mash during your blockstrings.  AND DONT FUCKING TELL ME HOW TO BAIT A MASH CAUSE I KNOW!  If you want a dragon punch, you should have to do the motion properly at the time that there is an opening in a string.  not just mash like a twat every now and then and be rewarded with something that can on hit lead into ultra/etc.  Same goes for gief SPD in block strings.

abel ultra 2 = the most hated among the community


round 1 FIGHT!!!

thats what I see above lol.

I'll drop my 2 cents as well, #s is good as it is with its own system, though I had never got into competively therefore I would not comment any further but from what I see its fun to play if there is a huge community of players.

SF4 would be my favourite out of all other SF since the early 90's when SF2 was stil hyped. Although the alpha series are also another great achievement by capcom, I still prefer SF4 as I am the type who enjoys better graphics, new system and competitive play. Just like everyone having their own preference.

As for BB, MVC2 and such are just a bit rough for me... too messy. I still liek playing them casually but if you ask me for competitive play I'll stick with SF4.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


I'm with you Andy. I had my doubts about SF4 before it came out but after playing it for the last few months it's one of my favourite SF games. I thought after the tourney I would turn my attention to Blazblue, which I have but I find myself still playing SF4 as well.

Many of us have said it lately but CvS2 is still my favourite SF game. This will sound like heresy to some here but I like SF4 more than the Alpha series.
KOW 2011


Yay for being double perfected at yifans today. Took me three fucking rounds to figure out how to fight bison/stop playing like a complete tard.

I hate this fucking game.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.