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Street Fighter 4

Started by fluxcore, October 18, 2007, 07:54:23 AM

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you guys need to toughen up and stop giving seconds.


[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

Quote from: Orochi on September 06, 2008, 12:55:59 PM
you guys need to toughen up and stop giving seconds.


The New Generation Clockw0rk


samurai black : yeah, I think it's the same guy. lol... I'm not sure what he is afraid of... Even when he left yifans, he took the long way around instead of passing by me...  ;D

I felt sorry for him when I beat him the first 2 rounds, so I gav him 2nd's. It's a bad habit :)
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA


Quote from: ILL_BILL on August 24, 2008, 12:24:41 PM

Rufus is top tier, along with gief and bison apparently. Sagat/blanka shortly after, with abel in 3rd. Fuerte is at the bottom, with C.viper a little bit higher, and everyone else in the middle somewhere at the moment.

In my opinion, there are 4 ranks in SF4.
S rank : Rufus, Abel, Zangrief, Sagat, Blanka
A Rank : Ryu, Ken, C.Viper, Guile, Vega, Balrorg
B Rank : Akuma, El, E.Honda, M.Bison
C rank : Chun-li, Dhaslim.

Higher rank only mean those characters are better in some moves and they have more advantages compare to the others due to the game system.

However, Lower tier doesn't mean worse. It's all about playing styles and tactics & skills. some players cannot use S rank characters coz of their playing style so they will end up being better with A Rank character compare to S rank. And if their skills are good, they can easily beat those players whose use S rank characters.

So who cares about top tier or bottom tier. If you are good with a character and like that character, go for it.

***Side story*** :D
When i was playing Melty Blood, My Arcuied (B or C rank only) could beat all players whose used S rank characters (there was a japanese cunt called "Nao", appearently he was the best in Guilty Gear & top player in tekken. But i dun like his attitutes coz he thinks he's superior or the best or God or whatever....and he mocked other players when he won, acting like a dickhead. I've never liked GG or tekken so i didnt care about him. But when it comes to Melty Blood, he was trying to be cool and i taught him "a few" lessons. The last time i saw him in Yifans was the day i beat him 18 wins in a row in Melty Blood. He was raging, shaking the machine and crying like a baby. I couldn't bare playing with those kinds of people so i beat him a few more times and.... we (me & Tony) left the machine after he put his coin in :D to piss him off even more :D, after that day, he disappeared for over 9 months now, probably he got a job or left NZ).

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

thats true to an extant...

.....and funny story haha
The New Generation Clockw0rk

samurai black


lol.................................where is he now???
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!


Quote from: gunsmoke on September 10, 2008, 08:33:34 PM
lol.................................where is he now???

He's dead. Killed By ME. Cr8zyK1LL3r !!


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on September 12, 2008, 09:36:44 AM
Quote from: gunsmoke on September 10, 2008, 08:33:34 PM
lol.................................where is he now???

He's dead. Killed By ME. Cr8zyK1LL3r !!

Oooh, that's a bit harsh man. C'mon, no hate, love and peace!  ;D
fighting game noob


Quote from: Ryan on September 12, 2008, 02:51:57 PM
Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on September 12, 2008, 09:36:44 AM
Quote from: gunsmoke on September 10, 2008, 08:33:34 PM
lol.................................where is he now???

He's dead. Killed By ME. Cr8zyK1LL3r !!

Oooh, that's a bit harsh man. C'mon, no hate, love and peace!  ;D

I was just kidding :D And you should say that to the "Nao" guy or a white guy with no hair who always show his lovely middle finger to Simon's Makoto and my Ryu.


LOL, memories of Melty Blood and Guilty Gear...  :)

The thing that annoyed me about Melty Blood and Guilty Gear was all the people that ran away... In Melty Blood, it was hard since the only fast character I used was Warakia. In #RELOAD, it was EZ since Millia was considered top tier or something...  Can't believe XBAWKs hat guy still plays #RELOAD (that w@nker,seriously)...  :D

I'm not one who believes in tiers, but rather, the players abilities and what they can do with each character.

Back to SF4...

SH!T, I GOT OWNED USING EL TACO AT NOON AND IN THE EVENING. The only difference was that at noon I killed the guy with my uber noob Sagat shortly after... ;D p.s. Balrog and Vega are GHEY!!!
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA


el taco FP 'infinite'? Anyone tried it?
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


I only managed 2 hits at best...

Trying to get the first hit is the hard part...  :)
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on September 09, 2008, 12:15:38 PM
Quote from: ILL_BILL on August 24, 2008, 12:24:41 PM

Rufus is top tier, along with gief and bison apparently. Sagat/blanka shortly after, with abel in 3rd. Fuerte is at the bottom, with C.viper a little bit higher, and everyone else in the middle somewhere at the moment.

In my opinion, there are 4 ranks in SF4.
S rank : Rufus, Abel, Zangrief, Sagat, Blanka
A Rank : Ryu, Ken, C.Viper, Guile, Vega, Balrorg
B Rank : Akuma, El, E.Honda, M.Bison
C rank : Chun-li, Dhaslim.

Higher rank only mean those characters are better in some moves and they have more advantages compare to the others due to the game system.

However, Lower tier doesn't mean worse. It's all about playing styles and tactics & skills. some players cannot use S rank characters coz of their playing style so they will end up being better with A Rank character compare to S rank. And if their skills are good, they can easily beat those players whose use S rank characters.

So who cares about top tier or bottom tier. If you are good with a character and like that character, go for it.

***Side story*** :D
When i was playing Melty Blood, My Arcuied (B or C rank only) could beat all players whose used S rank characters (there was a japanese cunt called "Nao", appearently he was the best in Guilty Gear & top player in tekken. But i dun like his attitutes coz he thinks he's superior or the best or God or whatever....and he mocked other players when he won, acting like a dickhead. I've never liked GG or tekken so i didnt care about him. But when it comes to Melty Blood, he was trying to be cool and i taught him "a few" lessons. The last time i saw him in Yifans was the day i beat him 18 wins in a row in Melty Blood. He was raging, shaking the machine and crying like a baby. I couldn't bare playing with those kinds of people so i beat him a few more times and.... we (me & Tony) left the machine after he put his coin in :D to piss him off even more :D, after that day, he disappeared for over 9 months now, probably he got a job or left NZ).

Quote from: gunsmoke on February 02, 2007, 09:47:17 PM
Quote from: Zenki on February 02, 2007, 06:56:15 PM
this is Nao, PSP mofo :)

mostly play T5DR and GGXX #R regularly (depends on turnout).
sumtimes muck around with kingpic san playing Alpha 3, CVS2, maybe XvsSF.
Tho I guess this new dude Alan will keep him stuck to MVC2 for a while lol ;D

not much ppl play SS6/SamuraiSpiritsTK these days and I'm out of it too,
it's a f_cking boring waiter f_ck game..

Actually he did join this community it was on my thread...wonder where he was now...Maybe DIABLO GTR know where is him or Ryan cuz u still have his arcade stick aiii....

Oh well is a long story..... :o :o :o :o
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!


well i think that streetfighter 4 is ok but its graphics are great so it must be coming out on ps3
its show time