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BLAZBLUE -Calamity Trigger-

Started by !DIABLO GTR!, November 23, 2008, 01:18:40 AM

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Quote from: Ashe on July 10, 2009, 11:15:41 PM
hmm i cant seem to do rachels combos that have dashes in them.. opponent just gets up. is there some sort of trick, or do i just have to practice and get the timing down? cause its damn hard :c

Yeah they are hard, I am also struggling a bit with them and also the ones that require super jumps.
Ive memorised about 4 combo's so far that range in damage from about 1700 - 3200.
Plus most combo's can have a 2B or 2A added in front for a low mixup though the overall damage drops due to proration.
Got alot more practising to do :) especially in matches to see how useful these combo's actually are.

The Dustloop guys don't think much of the ones's on the Bluray and have completely ignore them for their combo lists.
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Quote from: maelgrim on July 11, 2009, 01:09:04 PM
Quote from: Ashe on July 10, 2009, 11:15:41 PM
hmm i cant seem to do rachels combos that have dashes in them.. opponent just gets up. is there some sort of trick, or do i just have to practice and get the timing down? cause its damn hard :c

Yeah they are hard, I am also struggling a bit with them and also the ones that require super jumps.
Ive memorised about 4 combo's so far that range in damage from about 1700 - 3200.
Plus most combo's can have a 2B or 2A added in front for a low mixup though the overall damage drops due to proration.
Got alot more practising to do :) especially in matches to see how useful these combo's actually are.

The Dustloop guys don't think much of the ones's on the Bluray and have completely ignore them for their combo lists.

yeah i heard about the bluray combos being subpar, what a pity. im having trouble pulling off combos that have dashes after frog or projectile launching, and following that up with 3C or 22A.. :(


ditto with the dash
I will hopefully get some time tonight to practice & i'll specifically see if I can get the dash working (I haven't tried it much) & let you know how that goes.
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


well ive just been practising and buggered if I know how to get the dash to work.
Same deal with combos using instant air dash.
Guess i'll have to watch some vids & research some more.

Have you managed to do any combos with george ?

I have just discovered this baden lilly setup which is pretty fun (& simple)
6A 321 4D 6C (do it all real fast)
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


sounds good, ill give it a go ;D

and i just managed to pull off a few frog combos, namely
B, CDC, 214A, dash, 3C, 236A (frog hits), 214B, 3C

i realised that where all moves can be buffered and doesnt require strict timing, the input for dash cant be buffered. so this means you really have to watch rachel and as soon as she sets the frog you dash and 3c. getting this pause into muscle memory shouldnt take too long :D


Yeah thats sort of the one I was trying.
I did find you can start it a number of different ways & put an extra 5B into it.
But I have never got the dash to work & keep the combo going (sometimes it looks close). Do you have all the techs turned on in training mode ?
Does it do much damage ?

I was a little concerned that if the dash is a sod to time that it will only be worse online.

Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Online lags for the first 15 seconds, then when the fight starts there is zero input lag. Not sure how it works.


Quote from: maelgrim on July 11, 2009, 07:16:04 PM
Yeah thats sort of the one I was trying.
I did find you can start it a number of different ways & put an extra 5B into it.
But I have never got the dash to work & keep the combo going (sometimes it looks close). Do you have all the techs turned on in training mode ?
Does it do much damage ?

I was a little concerned that if the dash is a sod to time that it will only be worse online.

yeah i turned on all the techs, and most of rachels frog loops have one or two dashes so we're going to have to nail it down pretty good. does tonnes of damage :D


Thats good regarding online - I had heard the netcode was excellent (esp after the patch).
Well I guess I need to go practice the frog & dash stuff more.
Just finished Rachel's story (100%) - interesting, definitely need to do everybody else now to know what the hell is going on :)

Finished Ragna's pretty funny - esp the Dine & dash :)

Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Well played a few online matches in the weekend - yep the netcode is quite impressive, still some small input lag vs some but generally alot better that anything I have experienced in SF4 (not including NZ matches - which are good in SF4).

So far everything is going to plan - ie I am getting my butt kicked :)
did ok against a lvl 20 Tao player - got a couple of round wins but lost both matches.
Then got crushed by Tager.
Then played ranked match vs a lvl 20 Jin - wasn't as bad as I was expecting though still lost.

The game plays so fast (esp vs Tao) that my game plan goes south pretty quick :)

After doing Ragna's story I found him way easier to use - but I will stick with Rachel.

Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Haha, yeah. Expect to be punched in the face a bit the first few months as the rankings iron themselves out.


My copy just arrived. PSN is elixir68k, add me, I'm off to play.


Well at least I got the "Be Gentle... It's My First Time." trophy  ;D
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


iMagneto took my copy home form XLAN by mistake the rat!

Will be online loads when I get it back.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I'm might be getting this game too, any place/website that has this game? I saw a limited edition blazblue at first games for $124.99, is it worth it?