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Pre-release Super Street Fighter IV details

Started by iMagneto, September 20, 2009, 12:56:40 AM

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Quote from: B1ackstar Ninja on March 31, 2010, 02:22:07 PM
wow kens looking really good .
3frame lp dp now

comboable from roundhouse thunder kick (slow overhead been speed up and more hit stun)

c.mkxxfireball/ultra 2  , man you can combo into ultra 2 with a normall fireball , doesnt have to be ex and my god so much damage , his ultras just over half there and look at what it does to cody who has 1000 health .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0UQcdAXugE   at 2:58

dash looks lots faster 2 at 2:22

the u-man is happy

Ken is much quicker, projectiles, dash, MK and overhead are faster.....and he has a solid FADC into an ULTRA which doesn't require perfect timing to nail....

Have to say he has been beefed quite a bit.....the RYU -KEN match up in SFV was tipped towards RYU..especially when RYU has a full super meter and full screen range....now Ryu can't access his Super Fireball if another projectile is on the screen (unless it has connected)....pity...I love that trap  :-[

Fair enough though...it is unfair...

"You'll never survive in the jungle"......



Really good read on the changes on SSF4.

But then theres this:


U2 changes a lot of his game. Does about 500 damage, and startup is about 3-4 frames. It moves forward quickly as well and it's grab. Basically it punishes almost everything.
They changed some of his priorities and hitboxes.
Loop is much harder to do.

He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Hmmmmm. really good read thanks Bill. Can't wait to play this game.....Notes kind of confirmed our discussions over the last few weeks......

I can't wait to have a jam with Rose...looks like she got everything I was praying for.....FADC into U1, FADC into Soul throw...Unbloackable etc...

Also can't wait to have a RYU/ KEN match up with Budafist.....he's foaming at the mouth waiting to spam that U2 I bet.....RYU's U2 seems to be an awesome response to KEN's U2.....doesn't seem to have as many uses as U1 tho....pure aesthetics...

Mason you also got your wishes...Akuma will be an S-Tier god......tasmanian madness

Hawk will also be a nightmare.....sounds like he wil be a good pick against Dudley

Can't wait for a more attacking orientated game......not so much turtle play.....longer games too with a damage reduction across the board......
"You'll never survive in the jungle"......


Yea im real hype for it eh.

Dont know about longer games though. Damage reduction means less damage in combos etc, but more aggression sounds like people will be putting more effort into actually attempting to land what damage they can. Not sure exactly how much more offensive it will be though. I think its still going to be poke/zoning heavy, but actually mounting an offense has a much better risk/reward ratio, so were definitely going to be seeing MORE rushdown than before, which makes (my) fuerte a happy mexican.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I'm just happy even top tiers will have to earn victories...none of this make two mistakes against Sagat and die bullshit...I've lost count of how many matches I was leading against the fucker only to eat an OP'd combo FADC Ultra...then be zoned to fuck....  >:(

Rush down parties all around, quick Focus charges into LV2 mean more openings aswell....  ;)

Still got fingers crossed for an arcade release or a sneaky Yifans cabnet console build.....the arcades where it's at.....online systems also look amazing, can't wait to jump online and battle everyone...guna finally sort a system up at home...I've never actually had one..... ::)
"You'll never survive in the jungle"......


by the sounds of it, Capcom have done a pretty decent job of keeping everyone happy.

though I reckon to stop turtley play, they should have lowered the effectiveness of anti air normals.
its just too easy for example; Sagat to spam tigers and hit standing HK when they jump, same as Rogs crouching HP
they both have effective specials for anti air, and should be made to use these more.

but thats mostly coz I'm a jump happy scrub wanting a free 'in'

Im pretty stoked on Kens improvements but tbh it will be quite a few months before I get round all the new characters
before gettin back on the Fire Punch buzz.

Bill, Im a bit scared of the next fuerte battle, his new Ultra looks bizness.

I too reckon T.Hawk will be big gay pink problem, those fucken tick command throws were a biatch in HD remix.
looks to be the same in Super.

one problem I see is that the small buffs/tools they gave to the low tier characters dont really matter anymore
As most of the new characters are postitioned around the top, so relavtively speaking, in a bigger cast they're still fucked.

Im so hanging to play this I wish I could FADC the next 4 weeks.

ps.  Ryu has anger managment and realtionship stability issues and wishes he was as flamboyantly metrosexual as Ken

The motherfucken answer lies in the heart of motherfucken battle!

samurai black

Quote from: budafist on April 03, 2010, 02:44:04 PM
ps.  Ryu has anger managment and realtionship stability issues and wishes he was as flamboyantly metrosexual as Ken

at least he doesnt wear the testicles of his former lovers around his neck like akuma  :D


Little things cause big issues.

Its like in an early build for SF4, rufus was bottom tier. Then they gave EX messiah all those juggle properties and invincibility, and he became a fat jesus.

Its like with fuerte. His new ultra is fantastic. Like, wtfjizzinmypants awesome. So it makes sense not to buff his normals/damage across the board. (like i was hoping originally)

Then you look at the faster FA's. Not a MASSIVE change at first glance, but then we look at fuerte again. If they hadn't nerfed stun on RSF, and made it slightly harder, fuerte would probably get a stun every round, off of a combo that does 40% damage. That shit is ridiculous. All off of a slightly increased FA speed.

Its all a delicate ecosystem. :P

I generally think they have closed the tier gap. And S-rank shit like Akuma isnt going to be as daunting as it is now by the looks of it. When you add up all the little changes all the characters have, youll probably find that shit is TOTALLY different.

Im fuckin' HYPE.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


QuoteNot faster. I noticed no change in the game speed at all.

Matches last longer. Due to all the damage nerfs, it felt like matches lasted longer than it used to.

Overall impression. It’s basically the same thing. I’m not all too happy about it but if you liked SFIV you’ll be fine with SSFIV. If you were frustrated with it, I don’t think it’ll make you happy.

SSFIV notes from wondercon

bonus quote
QuoteOh yeah, and you know what Seth said when one of the volunteers decided to pick Guile and then his Sonic Hurricane Ultra II? “Oh nice, you picked Guile and his Sonic Hurricane, good luck because that Ultra sucks.”"

I really start to think that Seth isn't particularly happy with a lot of the changes in SSFIV. He seems to try to dodge a lot of questions which he would I assume answer with 'yeah that was a stupid thing to change'.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


This post is going to make me sound like a little bitch SF4 fanboy, but here we go.

While the concerns that dude expressed are, to some extent, legit (ie guiles ultra), the rest of it is pretty narrow minded.

Like that bison paragraph. He goes on about how this and that is 'effing stupid' but he hasn't stopped to consider the character changes when lined up in the grand scheme of things. Nor has he considered other changes to the character that may compensate for the listed shortcomings.

Hes looking at it like, if these changes were in the current SF4 build, this character would suck. Which may be true, but SSF4 game has enough minor changes to make shit like that kind of meaningless. All characters have had 'nerfs' to some things, to keep them from being broken in the grand scheme. Bot overall, theyre all looking stronger.

Some, if not all characters will be played differently in SSF4. Characters like balrog and others who havent really changed that much wont be AS affected, but, there are characters (like bison) who will have to tweak their gameplay to stay competitive. The players wont necessarily need to be 'better', just 'different'. He hasnt stopped to consider this.

Its refreshing to see someone not praising the game like the sun is shining out of its ass, (at some point you need to focus on the negatives) but he doesn't appear to have put much thought into what he's saying. Hes just gone in, done a few things, thought 'oh this sucks now. lame' and written about it. 

In his defense, he DOES say he didn't have a lot of time to play it, and i imagine the first thing i will notice is SF4 stuff that doesn't work anymore, so maybe im not reacting to it the way i should.

As for what S-kill thinks, who knows. Id say on the whole he is probably pretty happy. He seems to dodge questions that would result in him commenting about OVERALL balance, not tweaks to existing tools that characters might have. It very much seems like hes dodging stuff he has already given a non-specific answer to. ie. explaining that characters are ALL stronger OVERALL. Not telling us why/how exactly. Which makes sense, when he constantly reiterates that he wants US to discover stuff for ourselves. A lot of people took this to mean that characters weren't getting any nerfs AT ALL, which, as it has been pointed out BY Seth, doesn't actually work when youre balancing a game.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


All well and good, but you avoided the bit I actually quoted: game seems to take longer

SF4 was already pretty long :/
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on April 04, 2010, 09:44:55 AM
All well and good, but you avoided the bit I actually quoted: game seems to take longer

SF4 was already pretty long :/

Avoided because i didn't consider it a glaring hole in his article. And also because i totally agree with the concern.

But hopefully like i said in reply to gene's post, people being a little more aggressive will hopefully even it out. Everyone is still in 'try SF4 shit on SSF4' mode, which inevitably means 'does this character turtle like he used to?'. When we get into 'Bring dat new shit nyugggaaaaa' mode, as we inevitably will, stuff is gonna change. Probably not much though.

I anticipate that for the first 6 months or so, games will be fairly slow, but they'll be quicker after that, as (hopefully) a bit more offense develops. Its still going to be fairly turtley i reckon, but there should hopefully be enough offset to keep the length of the games at least at SF4 level. Which, as you point out, is pretty long anyway, but yea, you take the negatives with the positives i suppose.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I'm also hoping for an overall more agressive play style...damage nerfs will mean people aren't as cautious when attacking...Ultra damage has been reduced quite a bit -with a few exceptions. Also links or FADC's into full Ultra animations have been editted somewhat (whiffing the last hit in most cases -Balrog is a good example)..clash hits into Ultra links are much harder to time or land (thinking of Sagat and Ryu trades here into Ultra)......Sounds like there will be more back and forward exchanges which I'm all for.....it looks like the game speed is faster, but I'll have to get my grubby hands on the game to see for sure...

I agree with Budafist -I think Capcom have really made an effort to balance this a best they can...only time will tell if there is truely anything broken in the balancing.....my thoughts are that the 3rd strikers seem fairly strong...lots of mix up options (ibuki and Dudley mostly) and links into Ultras...Ibuki's target combo into Ultra is scary, I've also seen multiple set ups for Dudley into Ultra....

The roster is so vast this time around that there are bound to be bad match ups at some point..but skill and agressive play are usually the winner on the day...I don't think turtling is going to be too effective in SSF4 with crazy quick overheads and FA charge speed.... Dudley seems to have both the quickest overhead and FA attack  :'( yet another boxer to deal with....Wickedways, Toomeke, Fong...you fullas probably can't wait to jump on the Dudders train....

I'm just really looking forward to the release.....tournaments are going to be so much fun....
"You'll never survive in the jungle"......


I think people are jumping on the 3rd Strike character train a little quick here as far as how good they will be goes.

When you saw what Cammy and Sakura could do before SF4 console came out, people started to think Sakura could be a threat.
I think it's going to be close to the same thing with Ibuki. She isn't going to suck, sure. But you can't go all 99 seconds without getting hit, and just like in 3rd Strike every time you do get hit, it decreases your chance of winning with her 10 fold.

On another note, I think DeeJay's Anti-Air slide into Ultra is crazy. That's going to be pretty funny, and probably educational as far as helping people stay on the ground goes.


"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



Quote from: boringryu on April 04, 2010, 04:59:54 PM
I think people are jumping on the 3rd Strike character train a little quick here as far as how good they will be goes.

When you saw what Cammy and Sakura could do before SF4 console came out, people started to think Sakura could be a threat.
I think it's going to be close to the same thing with Ibuki. She isn't going to suck, sure. But you can't go all 99 seconds without getting hit, and just like in 3rd Strike every time you do get hit, it decreases your chance of winning with her 10 fold.

On another note, I think DeeJay's Anti-Air slide into Ultra is crazy. That's going to be pretty funny, and probably educational as far as helping people stay on the ground goes.

This. SF4 will still be a huge zoney game. I can imagine the 3S cast having a really hard time getting in.
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.