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Cloud LAN 01 - AH Pro Circuit NZ Stop 1

Started by Midnite, January 31, 2010, 11:55:44 PM

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Quote from: Midnite on March 09, 2010, 06:33:03 PM
Most definitely. Players are more than welcome to bring any console they choose however none of the events run as a part of Cloud LAN will be on anything but the 360's.

Was also thinking that Blazblue will be out by then so I'm keen to get a mini tournie going for that.

Thanks for the reply.

I know alot of people on this forum really enjoy blazblue (calamity trigger, current console title) but with a new Arcade version out (Continuum shift, which has been leaked to PC ;\ ) I'm really not sure about the Blazblue community or how many people could compete in an event like that, who knows I could be totally wrong and there could be 20 dudes itching for a chance to rock out on calamity.. but just thought I would run that by you (The game has been "patched" by it's new version, so no longer "current" so to speak by the hardcore\tournament attending communities)

But thanks for letting me know about the casuals, a big selling point for this event is not the actual tournament, it's the ability to chill with your mates at a good venue and just jam for a whole weekend ;]
So yeah I will deffo make it to this.

By the way.. regarding speakers \ sound, it's difficult to get 2x headphones into PS3's (Particularly after you factor in 2x USB joysticks..) we all good to have built in 24" monitor speakers playing the game quite quietly? You can't play fighting games without the visual and audio queues helping you land your combos.


Cheers for the feedback on Blazblue. I'll look into getting myself a copy and bringing it along and see how things go from there. In regards to speakers I'm more looking towards people playing Halo and MW2 as having headphones rather than speakers. On the day I'll talk get all the 'fighters' together and go over how things will be run.

In regards to the casual thing, thats my main goal for the event. The past 2 years I've gone to xLan have been entirely for the social aspect of things. I love a good competition but its the casual fun that you have with the people you've played with online for so long that makes the events something to remember.

If you or anyone else have any suggestions please make them known. I am looking to cater for everyone at the event. Sure some things won't be possible but I really want to make this an event everyone enjoys to the fullest.


Well seems as though you are putting some solid effort into making sure things turn out well, and even posting on a forum like this shows how dedicated you are to making things run smooth, so you got my full support.

Last year at Xlan, my first match of the tourny I was disq'd for turning up "late" despite the organizers never having given an actual start time before the event (I drove up at 9AM from Tauranga, arrived at venue about 11:30AM, disq'd but told that it was "All good" because I was still in the losers bracket) My next match was against the leader of this community, Fluxcore, he wasn't around from Hamilton during the exact moment this guy deemed worthy, and so I won my second match by default with Flux eliminated I think. Then I played my first match of the event and lost to NZ's guitar hero champion Mason haha.. so yea... great tourny and just an example of how shit console players have been treated in the past at mass events.

Thanks again and seeya there.


Cater to my needs Midnite. Make a guitar hero competition and put all the event's money into it. But na nice work on organising it, looks to be real awesome. Do you by any chance need a spare team for H3? I'm sure NZism could put one together for the lols if you do.


Regarding xLan, expect to see some very nice changes this year for the console side. Things are looking for a bright future for console events this year and next.

I'd love some extra teams for Halo. Even if they are just muckaround teams. The more the merrier. Will be a good laugh also.

I'm more than happy to do a GH comp on the day and just give away some games as prizes and things. If you reckon a good few people will sign up then I'll more definitely do it. Flick me a PM or email (cloudlan.nz@gmail.com) with your thoughts and I'll let ya know.


Quote from: Midnite on March 10, 2010, 12:37:14 AM
Regarding xLan, expect to see some very nice changes this year for the console side. Things are looking for a bright future for console events this year and next.

I'd love some extra teams for Halo. Even if they are just muckaround teams. The more the merrier. Will be a good laugh also.

I'm more than happy to do a GH comp on the day and just give away some games as prizes and things. If you reckon a good few people will sign up then I'll more definitely do it. Flick me a PM or email (cloudlan.nz@gmail.com) with your thoughts and I'll let ya know.

To be honest, I think Xlan this year is on the same weekend as Las Vegas's Evolution 2010 Tournament (Streamed world wide fighting game tournament event from way back, youtube Evo moment 37 Baby!)
If this is indeed the case, expect nobody from here to turn up, sorry =\ (July 9th - 11th, caesers palace, las vegas)

Games include SSFIV, Tekken6, Blazblue etc and pretty much the entire community for all games stays home to watch the best in the world be the best in the world and learn from their play.


I didn't realise the events were clashing this year. Lameness. Will see how things go. Wanted to watch Evo again this year too.
Either way I should be holding a few more events this year so there will definitely be some more opportunities for everyone to get together.


I was sorta joking about the guitar hero, but yeah I'll bring all my equipment anyway and I know a few of the Halo players do play. xLan does clash with Evo which is really gonna suck for this community, especially since we won't be able to stream it if we do go to xLan (I will be going).

WCG has just announced it's first 7 titles and in there is GH5 and Tekken 6... I guess xLan would be running tournaments for both.


Cmon people, who's coming. 7 man bracket isn't gonna be worth the $50...


Yea, id hate to have to only smash 5 people.

And then lose to jacks retarded dragons/tigers

And then realise ive actually lost to the other 5 people as well.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

samurai black

eh, dont think i want to pay $50 for a game im terrible at.


Hey everyone,

The entry fee for people playing either SF4 or T6 has changed to $30. If you want to play both then it will cost you $40.

For the entry fee you will get access to the 3 day event, entry into your chosen tournament(s) as well as use of all the facilities and infrastructure at the venue.

Lets make a final push to get as many SF4 & T6 signups as we can! Only 2 weeks left till the event!

NB. Because of the decrease in entry fee the prize pool will be calculated accordingly ($20 from every attendee will go to the prize pool)


Wow that is awesome midnite.  Ill likely be there for sure now.  ANyone out south wanna travel together and split the gas bill for the trips?

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Hey midnite, is the SF4 comp going to just be on one day? Or across them all. Ive got work commitments on the weekend, but i can always come down with AIDS or something. Id prefer not to miss work though, so i figured id query.

(Also, for the rest of us, Cloudlan on the Friday actually conflicts with our next Ranbats. Not that this is a big deal. Actually, it might not, depending on what time everything happens.)
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

samurai black