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Post-release Super Street Fighter 4

Started by fluxcore, May 20, 2010, 08:07:15 AM

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Abel's U2 +- dependent on the user.
Can't really say its super awesome, coz you have to know when to use it especially in higher lvl play.
Simonfish is a good example in our scene who takes advantage of this.
All other Abel users I've played doesn't really know what they are doing with it....
So I would say it is a lame Ultra where they should atleast take out the armor from it so it doesn't need 2 hit to break...
just like Akuma's demon where you can break it after the Ultra invisible frame?
Vega's... not too scary.... just need to watch out for it, if you eat it, then u deserve it... lol.
Furte's Ultra would be in between Abel's and Vega... its pretty good in dmg, a small tweak in dmg if they want to leave the mechanic of it as it is.

thats my opinion lol...  :)
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Sako playing some Rose. Dunno how hard that corner combo is but I haven't seen anyone do it before. Seems like everytime I see this dude play I see something I never knew was possible.

"I hope the Yama Kings have mercy upon your soul, for I shall not" - Hsien-Ko


People ask me what religion I am, I say Sakonokism


Quote from: electric on November 03, 2010, 09:53:02 AM
Yep, one ultra attack. That means you only have to deal with ONE thing, which makes the guessing game a billion times easier.

Having a "best ultra" that's match up specific doesn't really make sense lol - that's like saying Roses best ultra is U1 if she only ever plays against Blanka.

Also, with U1 stocked, AA normal into 450 damage is nothing to scoff at.

I see exactly what you're trying to say, but I honestly think you're blowing things out of proportion. It's a good ultra - hell, I'd even call it a GREAT ultra. But does it break Abel as a character ? Does it suddenly turn him into ST Akuma or 3S Gill ? Hell no. All it does is shuts down unsafe offense - which every mid to top tier character can do anyway with their 3 frame normals hit confirmed into ultra, dp FADC ultra, instant 500 damage throw ultras and everything else under the sun.

Yeah sweet Eru we are on the same page, only reason I didn't say it was his best ultra is because we've talked before and I know you got a thing for U1.

I'm not an Abel player, who am I to call it bad.

But as far as I'm aware.. ultra2 can probably AA sometimes as it's capable of catches landing frames assuming no Invincibility cancel from empty jump (forgot it has armour haha) and ultra2 can go through fireballs =\
So I've always wondered why you like so much.


It's pretty simple really - U1 is confirmed after a step kick with 2 bars. Always. U2 is either a guess or a punish - Step kick can punish the same things U2 can (distance depending, obviously) for no meter and good damage - things that U2 punishes that step kick don't due to distance can most often than not, be punished by raw U1.

U1 gives me safe, CONFIRMED offensive options. I feel like U2 is too unreliable for this purpose.

I think Andy hit the nail on the head when he said it's dependent on the style of the user - there's no question that Simon catches fools with the purple washing machine - and just from watching him play you can tell it suits his style more.

Basically, unless I see someone doing some unsafe shit that I know U2 will take care of then I'll be sticking to the abortion punch :D
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


Yo, don't kid yourself bro. You're not Miles Bestbibsonworth
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



take the damage down on El Fuertes ultra and make safer vortex  :P


vortex is 50/50 and if you fail u deserve to be punish lol :P
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: zosla on November 03, 2010, 11:30:37 AM
vortex is 50/50 and if you fail u deserve to be punish lol :P


Except for beast mental guard breaks making vortex 90/10  :D


Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on November 03, 2010, 11:47:49 AM
50/50 is a complete misnomer in sf4.

Vanilla SF4, The mexican mixup.

Throw or Srk? Block or attempt raw tech? (or attempt a delayed crouch tech if u gud)
150 damage, or 700. Sagat says, pick your poison bitch.


Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Sagat says 100 or 430. Even Seth lols
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Didn't juicebox say U2 was trash for most match ups because every character has a way of dealing with U2 mindgames really easy?


yeah but what does juicebox know. We are New Zealand!!!!
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness