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Pre-release Super Street Fighter IV details

Started by iMagneto, September 20, 2009, 12:56:40 AM

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Depends on how they do them. Like Tiger Destruction and Tiger Raid both have different uses.

You're right though, some will probably be poos
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.


[8-----D] Toots


So basically Boxer has to deal with a lot of things when he is fighting Ryu.

At fullscreen he is doing no damage and building very little metre. He can however build Ultra metre which changes the fight significantly. Boxer has no safe ways to get in on Ryu especially when Ryu has super(pretty much applies to everyone). Ryu wins the full screen battle obviously.

Midsceen is kinda anybodies game. If Boxer has Ultra then it is even. Your biggest problem will be getting charge and positioning. If you can fake out that you have charge it may allow you to jump in safely. Getting the opportunity to headbutt fireballs will be very rare against a decent Ryu. Simply getting into that zone with charge is very hard. Jab straight is very good a this range but you have to smart about it. One stray dash straight and your eating a big combo.

Sweep range. Boxer wins. His sweep is probably the best in the game and is quick enough to punish whiffed low fowards. Standing roundhouse is another solid poke from this range. Boxer wants to zone Ryu with his pokes and anti air any jump ins. Ex rush upper is also good for hitting random pokes. Ryu only has a couple of options at this range. Focus attack is very good for stopping Rog poking. Any of rogs pokes can be FA'd and hit on the recovery of the poke. Rog has know good way of breaking focus either despite all of his amour breaking attacks. Throwing the fa is probably your safest bet but is still risky. Fireballs are still good at this range especially low foward xx fireball. Lotsa guessing games going on here.

Up close it is dependant on momentum but Ryu wins in the damage output and get the fuck off me department. The main problems that boxer has up close is the riskyness of going for throws(his main damage option) and the inability to deal with crossups effectively. Four successful throws can be undone in one uppercut and then your on the opposite side of the screen. Ryu also makes you scared to tech throws  :-[ because of the fadc ultra.

Knockdown....Just get on your knees and pray cos your guna be taking damage no matter how good you are. Oh and weazzy HP HEADBUTT is pretty risky on wakeup dude. If they have ultra or super they can punish it on recovery even if it whiffs. Ryu should be jumping in with ambiguous j.short or fierce. Headbutt loses in both situations. If ryu doesn't jump in he can opt to do meaty low foward which beats all of boxers headbutts and ex rush punches if buffers in a srk motion...YAY  ::)

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Beutiful, some good info in that post i didnt know, ESPECIALLY about the hp headbut lol. I cant wait to ultra this prick online after he does that.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Damn! Drop those fucking knowledge BOMBS!

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Man i still use hp,headbut to get outta crossups, once or twice a game, and i get away with it. I lol hard now too, cos i'm like ahh shame you could of ultra'd.

So i still reckon if you hardly use it you cant get away with it. lol.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


holy moly...updates are actually quite frequent...don't ya think...?
I hope this comes out sooner than later...although...I've still got some games to finish by the time this comes out...it'll be perfect timing...hopefully...
I bliss...like the fist...of the mantis...
Those who oppose get dropped and hit the canvas.

[8-----D] Toots

Quote from: weazzyefff on November 06, 2009, 10:53:28 PM

So i still reckon if you hardly use it you cant get away with it. lol.

Yeah hardout that basically applies to everything in SF.


"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Endless Battle seems cool. Nice to see the Bonus stage from Final Fight.


Seth Killian confirmed that SSFIV can save replays of any matches at will :)

Hell, this is looking to be the most awesomely featured fighting game release of all time!
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on November 12, 2009, 06:40:01 AM
Seth Killian confirmed that SSFIV can save replays of any matches at will :)

Hell, this is looking to be the most awesomely featured fighting game release of all time!

That video kinda implies that we will be able to watch any users replays if I remember correctly. Man way to share knowledge I say!


I'm not going to lie... I'm hyped! With all of these features, I just pray pray PRAY that the Netcode will be tolerable!
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


Ben, good way to break the match up for Boxer vs Ryu. Lots of knownledge there for you new folks.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Direct capture footage you can hear the announcer loud and clear:


Sounds a bit like the Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter announcer.
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PSN: CptMunta